Yoast Seo Tutorial 2017 – How To Setup Yoast SEO Plugin – WordPress SEO By Yoast

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Learn how to use the amazing yoast plugin! The yoast plugin helps optimize your wordpres website for serch enginges like google.
You can change the way your website appears in the search engines. It can really increase the organic growth of your website as well. In this yoast seo tuorial, i will cover all the things you need to know about the yoast SEO plugin!

The yoast plugin also has features for people to share and identify your website with image sharing, another great way to get more exposure!

For more tutorials like this, visit my website at http://www.darrelwilson.com

wordpress seo!

30 Comments on “Yoast Seo Tutorial 2017 – How To Setup Yoast SEO Plugin – WordPress SEO By Yoast”

  1. 항상 감사합니다. 남한산호랑이형님입니다. http://cafe.daum.net/wjdvud12/ICRL 카페 자주놀러오십시요, 우리는 모두 친구입니다. 한세상 한나라 친구들입니다. 우리모두는 무한생명입니다. 영원한 생명과 영원한 즐거움으로 가득합니다. 이곳이 바로 천국입니다.! 항상 즐겁게 잘 살아봅시다.! 항상 함께합니다 저는 여러분과! 항상 감사합니다. 나의 소중한 사람들이여.당신들은 기적의 생명체들입니다.! 사랑합니다. 내곁으로 오십시요. 항상 사랑합니다. 감사합니다.

  2. Great video! I have one problem. The SEO title I wrote is different from the title that appears on Google… Is this normal?

  3. Thank you sooooooooo much for this amazing video. p.s there is no option for file editor under tools now. How can i make those changes you mentioned? Thanks

  4. I can't seem to edit the Home page SEO. It takes me back to the General Tab everytime I click on Editing the "editing the front page itself" link. How do I get around this? My Home page isn't located in the Pages section either.

  5. Hi Darrel. This video was SOOOO helpful. Thanks for making it!!!
    One question…. When I make changes to my site — anything from changing text on existing pages to adding new pages/posts/etc to modifying a SEO title or description, do I need to trigger Google to refresh its search memory of my site? If so, how? Thanks!

  6. Good Vid Darrel!
    Keep it up:-)

    Greetings from Germany

  7. Hi Darrel,
    If purchase Yoast SEO Premium with the extra keyword function, dose that mean I can have additional keywords for that particular page?
    I have a online wedding invitation business but we also do wedding styling and prop hire and I wanted to have 3-4 keywords for that one page.. I was thinking of… invitations, wedding styling, prop hire as my keywords.
    Is that something that Yoast Premium offers with the additional Keyword option?Thanks

  8. Excellent tutorial. You are very easy to listen to (a big plus, trust me). The information is at the right level for someone like me who knew nada about this. One thing I have picked up on is that, because programs get updated, the screen shots in videos are often very different to a current version of a plugin (which is to be expected I'm sure), compelling the viewer to intuit what is being talked about. For example, in this video, my SEO File Editor does not have a "create roboto.txt" button. Go figure. But, overall, your instruction is great to follow and I managed to understand pretty much everything and implement it. I will certainly recommend you without hesitation.

  9. Nice video. Thank you! I am working with the page builder. Yoast does not support this plugin??

  10. great job explaining all this, Im new to seo but with your help had zero issues running the app, thanks a lot

  11. I Loved your video! Thumbs Up >> Subscribed >> get notified when new video created >> Thank

  12. I am stuck on the The focus keyword 'vacation rental ' does not appear in the SEO title. And it is, I can't figure out why. I have changed it many times to try to match the SEO title and it will not change. It is all still red

  13. Great tutorial for my future blog! I was surprised to see your name linked to that police officer, that happened here in my city. I did have a quick question. Did you skip the import/export section under tools on purpose? Thanks!

  14. thanks so much for so many good tutorials but when i get to tiles and metas it is completely different from yours . can you please explain thanks again

  15. When you click on "website info" and put your website name, can there be spaces between each word? Thanks

  16. I am your fan now after watching this whole video and I recently started my own blog called http://www.nadmac.in but i don't know anything about SEO now I followed your video and feeling like an IT person lol.
    You are really amazing and helpful. Subscribed already.
    Love your voice though.

  17. Hey Darrel,
    Great work here. Super easy to follow. Hope my site will much better on google soon.
    Thanks a ton!

  18. Titles & Metas SOLUTION: If you do NOT see a an option to edit the front page, it is because your home page is not a static page. You must create two separate pages, one as your home page, and a second as your blog posts page (if your site is a blog; if not, you only have to create a home page).

    After doing so, in the WP dashboard, go to Settings>Reading. Under the homepage displays category, select 'A static page', then select the page you created to be your home page from the drop down menu next to 'Homepage:'. If your site is a blog and you created a blog posts page, next to 'Posts page:' select it from the dropdown menu. By doing this, if your site is live IT WILL CHANGE YOUR LAYOUT. So by doing this, be prepared to put some time into cleaning up your layout.

    After doing this, when you go back to SEO>Titles & Metas>Homepage, you will see a link that says 'editing the front page itself>>'. Hope that helps everyone looking for it.

    If I missed something, feel free to chime in. I'm sure it's not perfect. Good luck!

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