24 Comments on “How Does the Internet Work ?”

  1. The Internet is the perfect way to explain and discuss the ultimate truth. It is almost impossible to get the truth across to someone in person. The ultimate truth should not be discussed in person at all; it should be checked out alone. Google TruthContest click on the earth icon and read the Present, it explains the big picture of life in every facet.

  2. i have question what is(internet) and why it cost
    (it is a thing) we really don't know but it is a (thing)
    where is internet came from is there any mine like coal,metal or we make internet like electricity
    it is a thing we know like pc , electricity or someting have mass
    and how mobile network provider internet cost us money and they need to buy internet in GB,TB or bites

  3. It's worth every one to know how Internet connects you with others. It is an amazing continues process beyond our imaginations. It is intelligence that take the US to cosmic heights is the future. Bon Voyage Internet.

  4. Internet is making people slave day by day.. by controlling and make things done by us what Internet like…

  5. So if the whole world had a power outage and no one was online for two months or so would we still have it today

  6. Internet is democratic and is an artificial things which has become natural as no single organisation Controls it.

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