An Introduction into WordPress Action Hooks Part 3

In this video we discuss what WordPress Action Hooks are all about. We also use action hooks to customize the WordPress Dashboard.

The code from this video can be found here:

Removing Dashboard Widgets:

Adding a link the the Dashboard Menu:

10 Comments on “An Introduction into WordPress Action Hooks Part 3”

  1. i am new to wp and i have to take info form user to save in db with using custom plugin and show the data. so will this video make me do that. or please suggest me other one for the job

  2. This really deserves more likes 🙂 Thank you so much man, this really helps.

  3. I like your videos alot. Your pace and speaking manner is very easy for my mind to sponge and learn. Thank you.

  4. Great tutorials! Very practical. Real world examples are always the best to build the hooks – in this case I mean brain hooks, not WordPress hooks :). Thanks for doing these!

  5. Sir this code "remove_meta_box('dashboard_primary',' ', '');" is also working.. May you tell me how its works. Because id and page and context is required..

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