Android and Android Studio: Getting Started

Learn how to get started with Android and Android Studio in this short tutorial. It demontrates how to install Android Studio (Google’s official Android IDE) and create your first Android app. You’ll learn how to download the Java SDK, download and install Android Studio, create a new “Hello World” project, and run your app on an emulator and real Android device.

You’ll also learn a series of Protips from an Android app startup as they go through the process of developing their app in a highly stressful environment. With over 1 billion Android devices already activated, Android represents an incredible opportunity for developers. Installing Android Studio is your first step!

Download the Java Development Kit:
Download Android Studio:
Android USB Drivers for Windows:

Once you’ve installed Android Studio, learn more about developing Android Apps using these resources:
Android Developer Documentation:
Developing Android Apps Udacity Online Training:
Android Design for Developers Udacity Online Training:

Check out more music from the composer:

16 Comments on “Android and Android Studio: Getting Started”

  1. [Android Studio 2.2] Hi! Android devs, I am getting this ,"waiting for target device to come online" message and VCPU shutdown request in the logs.
    The AVD is showing black screen and not loading the app.

    10/15 17:33:11: Launching app
    Error while waiting for device: Timed out after 300seconds waiting for emulator to come online.
    Urgent help needed!

  2. Actually i am getting problem while creating a new application as shown below
    Error-Error:CreateProcess error=216, This version of %1 is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need a x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher
    Please sort out my problem….

  3. hello sir, can u help me to solve the error:216 in android studio 2.2
    this error comes up after creating the project

  4. I successfully installed but error and don't have a blank activity?? It's version 2.1.3

  5. Awesome tutorial guys! Its a good tutorial, with some creativity within the serious note. Love it.

  6. i always hate Android Studio. Because of predefined size 1.2GB and with all features needs as 15GB Blocking in my allocation of windows 8Pro.
    But Eclipse Much better than Android Studio.

  7. 'java-version' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
    operable program or batch file.
    But I have already installed the JDK, any solutions?

  8. de la fabrication à la publication sur Google play ça coûte combien avec se logiciel !?

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