39 Comments on “Convert HTML to WordPress Theme – Part 1”

  1. +Brad Traversy Would this work if I am using a purchased template that I
    brought and edited in Dreamweaver too?

  2. Super cool technique to convert pages. I’ve been doing it backwards but
    your version is much easier.

  3. hi nice tut, although you didn’t explain why you copied code from there up
    to there in both header and footer, but i figured out myself.

  4. I want to know if you memorize some CSS class in WordPress, What I have
    observed is that you remove the un-ordered list which has a Class of
    “current_page_item” and replace it with an auto generated list. Am I right?
    if yes do I need to memorize CSS class specific in WordPress?

  5. how I want to install the customize theme that I have create for my
    wordpress? bcuz its not link at the Appearance-Theme 16:01

  6. Thank you sir. This is probably the most easy to follow and understand
    tutorial I found on YT. 😉 keep up good work. 

  7. Hi, Im confused as to what folder i open into the new project. I have an
    html theme that i want to covert to wordpress.. thanks

  8. I am loving this so few but I got one question. Does this work method work
    for a responsive template if not please can you tell us or show us how to
    do it please Thanks 

  9. Hi Brad! Really enjoying this tutorial so far. You really go through each
    step explaining it in a way that I can understand and learn with almost no
    Wordpress or PHP experience. I’ve finished a site using HTML and CSS,
    however I need to implement a CMS and we’ve chosen WordPress. I’ve followed
    the steps up to testing the template at about 16:00. I uploaded the files
    using an FTP then activated the theme. However, when I test the site the
    home page is just blank? Any idea what I might be missing? Thanks again for
    the great video.

  10. Thanks for this tutorial Brad. This tutorial helped me a lot! now I can
    build my own WordPress themes. Thank you very much!

  11. So helpful, one of the easiest to follow and understand tutorials I have
    ever seen. Thank you so much, exellent job!!! 

  12. If I rip any website with website ripper software is it possible to convert
    it to WordPress?

  13. Great Tutorial Brad, I particuarly like the way you use simple php code and
    explain why 🙂 Plus, you don’t sound like an arrogant know it all either…
    great presentation!!

  14. Nice tutorial Sir, I just started learn web programming
    permit to download this video part1-2
    Thank You

  15. Thank you a lot! It’s very clear and for “advanced beginner” in that way
    you show us some php code. Now we can do whatever we want with a free
    template. Thank you!

  16. Great video, Brad! Really well done!!

    I was wondering why you removed the xhtml tag and made the document into
    regular html at 18:36 ?

  17. Very good tutorial for beginners who want to convert html page to wp theme.
    Thanks Brad…….!!!!!!!!

  18. I’ve been giving myself a headache over this all night until I found this
    video. Thank you. I’m adapting a static site created in Muse to a
    WordPress theme, and its been a nightmare,but this video has helped quite a

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