Fit, Fabric & Function- 3 Style Tips for Entrepreneurs

Antonio Centeno from Real Men Real Style shares 3 style tips for entrepreneurs that he refers to as “The Style Pyramid”. This is a new series that will provide Value and Entertainment on the topic of style and fashion for entrepreneurs.

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25 Comments on “Fit, Fabric & Function- 3 Style Tips for Entrepreneurs”

  1. Hey Pat! I read The Next Perfect Storm and I'm thinking about getting into the life insurance business. I wanted to ask, is PHP Agency an insurance marketing firm, insurance company or something else?

  2. 1st reaction was "This guy on style again?" Watched anyway. Learned something good within the first 2 minutes and a number of good take aways. Would like to know some tips for taking good care of my clothing to make it last. I find my shirt collars curl so easily and the arm pits turn yellow so fast. After a few wears, my shirts no longer look sharp. I do sweat a good amount as I go quickly from workout to shower to work. Thanks.

  3. If people actually worry about how you look, they are the ones with the issue, not you. Seriously, somebody judging someone else based on clothing is so shallow, and childish. I don't own one jacket, pair of khakis or trousers, or even a single tie, and it doesn't bother me.

  4. Its Antonio Again! He listened Unlike his last Video on Valutainment this time he is wearing what he supposed to and Thank you for showing images and examples! Thank you for Listening

  5. Thank you for the quality content!
    Maybe you should consider making the suggested videos clickable, for more convenience.
    Thou they are clickable in the description.

  6. If you are going to wear flared jeans anymore(I've seen you in some interviews with Pat), I will seriously unsubscribe from this channel. LoL.
    I'm joking, but, no, seriously. No more flared jeans or any other sort of flared trousers.

  7. Hey Patrick & Team, I've been watching motivational and entrepreneurship videos on you tube for the last 3 years, but when i came across your channel! I felt like you guys are so amazing that you can't be compared to others, you are in a league of your own! I have origins from Iran, and when I read Patrick's story, it just makes you dream that you too can do this if you work hard enough. Please do give me a shout whenever you're in Bahrain.
    I don't think you will reach a million subs by end of this year, the way your going, with the energy displayed, you guys will get there in June! God Bless You all.

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