How to Handle Your Anger for Self-Development [Occult Wisdom Lecture]

The lecturer Manly P. Hall was a master in all the aspects of mental/spiritual development. Dealing with anger is one of the most difficult things in life. It drains us on so many levels and destroys our happiness yet not many of us seeking its cause and cure. The master alchemy/spirituality/occult scholar Manly P. Hall shares his insight with this brilliant lecture.
How to Handle Your Anger for Self-Development [Wisdom Lecture]

11 Comments on “How to Handle Your Anger for Self-Development [Occult Wisdom Lecture]”

  1. I see the complete opposite to what he's talking about around 17:00 . I see bad, negative, destructive attitudes being rewarded with wealth, freedom, and opportunities. Those are the ones that appear to be living it up. I see people who truly deserve better being left to rot and suffer in conditions they really are desperately trying their best to change with the best attitude they can muster. Really confusing. I see complainers draining the life force out of those around them who are helpless to get away from that toxic energy, and the complainers thriving off of it. Yes they are miserable in the end, but the ones who are trapped around them can't get away no matter how hard they try.

  2. I wonder what year this lecture was given? It is timeless and completely relevant to today.

  3. Another brilliantly insightful lecture full of real wisdom and opportunities for growth in a healthy direction. Thanks for posting. (Wow! Who was Manly P Hall?)

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