PESTEL Analysis – What it Means and its 6 Factors Explained


Story by: Prashant Sharma TechPluto

The growth of an organization or a company depends on several factors. Almost all of these are related to the environment in which they want to work. In addition, the micro and macro factors of the community can determine the development of the company. Therefore regular analysis and monitoring of all factors that can influence it. This is achieved by the PESTEL analysis.

Entrepreneurs often carry out a PESTEL analysis as an accompaniment to the SWOT analysis. Would you like to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your company? A regular PESTEL analysis will help you with this. This analysis is useful in a wide variety of industries. PESTEL's results enable organizations to conduct a SWOT analysis more efficiently. They analyze the environment in order to understand the dry seasons in the respective region. In this way they can also determine the culture and its growth. Ever heard of a grocery chain that locks its doors to customers? There is a possibility that they will not meet food quality standards. Through the PESTEL analysis, you can learn more about food choices, cultural and religious reservations, and food safety standards.

In this article we will understand why the PESTEL analysis is a necessary step for you and our business. We will also take a look at how PESTEL's external analysis works to influence an organization.

What is the PESTEL analysis?

The PESTEL analysis or the PESTLE analysis is a tool in companies this helps to observe and analyze the external factors affecting the organization's performance. This framework or tool comes in handy especially when starting a business from scratch or venturing into overseas markets. The external forces to which an organization or a company can be exposed are of various kinds. Therefore, PESTEL stands as an acronym for all of them.

P: PoliticalE: Economy: SocialT: TechnologicalE: EnvironmentL: Law

The purpose of the PESTEL analysis is to enable business owners to conduct an analysis of the circumstances. Suppose you develop a well-defined strategy such as a market positioning strategy or a business plan for implementation. However, the need for PESTEL does not end there. Repetitions of the PESTEL analysis at least six months apart are ideal. This is because macroecological factors show changes abruptly and quickly.

How can one follow the changes in the environment? The changes are difficult to keep track of unless there is regular monitoring. The organizations that use PESTEL can thus successfully monitor the changes and react precisely to them. The PESTEL framework provides a competitive advantage for companies that are able to analyze their environment and differentiate themselves from the competition in the market.

Is it PESTEL or PESTLE Analysis?

Perhaps you've heard both variants and are confused which of the two may be correct. The answer to this doubt is that both – PESTEL and PESTLE are used interchangeably. The change takes place in the last letter of the acronym. There is no real reason for this, however, aside from preference. Both variants relate to vital macroecological factors, but the order in which environmental and legal factors are arranged varies.

You may have noticed the use of PEST – this is a condensed version of the PESTEL analysis. The needs of your brand determine the factors that come into question in the analysis. This in turn decides which variant of PESTEL is used. As far as the correct use of PESTLE and PESTLE is considered, both are correct.

PESTEL model analysis

As already mentioned, the PESTEL analysis has a considerable influence on the performance of the organization. The PESTEL analysis is the first step in ensuring mindful steps to good business. People have brought about changes in terms of demographic, ethical, intercultural and environmental factors. Consequently, the variations of the framework lead to DESTEP, SLEPIT and STEEPLED.

The PESTEL analysis is a simple tool that can pose both risks and opportunities for an organization. The goals of this framework are to:

Identify the external factors that are currently affecting your business. To keep track of the external factors that may change in the future. The effects on organizations change naturally. Use the trends of change to take advantage of the best opportunities for your company. Better defenses against the risks arising from changes in external factors. Overall, the PESTEL tool provides an estimate of a new market for the growth of a

It is obvious that a larger number of opposing forces will only affect the growth of a company in the market. However, when you have to deal with the negative factors it becomes more difficult to focus on the company's marketing and growth strategies. Hence, both profits and the overall profit potential decrease.

In the next section we will ignore other variations and break down the standard PESTEL model to understand the individual letters of the acronym.

PESTEL factors in the economy – explanation of the PESTEL model

PESTEL can be divided into political, economic, social, technological, ecological and legal factors.

Political factors

The politics of a region is one of the most important factors who decide how well the market will thrive. So what are political factors?

Tax policyLabour lawsTrade restrictionsEnvironmental regulationsCorruptionForeign trade policy and standard government policy.

These factors are primarily about how the government and its laws interact with the economy.

However, government stability or instability also has a strong impact on industry. Aside from deciding how companies do business, you can also predict future law events. The course of legislation and policy-making in an environment thus shapes a company's marketing policy. Government policies determine the education, health, and infrastructure of a demographic group, which requires thorough analysis of potential risks. Therefore, in this case, PESTEL benefits the company.

Economic factors

Economic factors determine the performance of a particular national economy. The most common factors include:

economic growth interest rates exchange rates inflation rates development of unemployment and net income of users.

It must be clear to you that nothing but these factors drive companies in every industry.

Observations by the PESTEL model will bring to light the supply-demand models of the environment. The economic factors tell you everything about the purchasing power of the population. This in turn affects the way you set your prices for the products. However, in order to gain a perspective at the local level, the external analysis by PESTEL offers good results. In addition, economic factors allow you to refinance your debt every time interest rates go down.

Social Factors

When considering the environment for a new business, what would the first thing you notice? Of course, demographic characteristics such as cultures, norms, values, lifestyles and religious trends play a major role. Apart from that, the other social factors that add value to the analysis are income distribution, age groups, population growth and occupation of the residents.

Who wouldn't want to know more about their target group? It is becoming increasingly important for entrepreneurs to know who their organization may be interacting with. In addition, the advertisements and marketing strategies require specific knowledge of the target groups over time. You can also assess the type of customers, their consumption capacity and their willingness to seek employment under certain conditions.

Once you know what drives demographics in your company, there is no stopping it! ] Technical factors

Innovation and economy go hand in hand. The greater the number of technological advances, the greater the size of your business in the environment. Some of the technological factors that advance any business are:

AutomationTechnological IncentivesResearch and DevelopmentRate of Technological Change

How often do you rely on digital media to promote your brand? As the world shifts to a digitized version of itself, manual labor is decreasing due to automation. With Innovation, you can save files on a computer, sort them with one click and keep records for years.

The technology landscape offers you more than you can imagine. The PESTEL framework enables you to understand new and improved management methods. You can find better ways of communicating, delivering, and producing goods and services. Aim at the right markets and target them well with the best in the digital world with you.

Environmental Factors

This has gained momentum over the past fifteen years – for the good of all. The environmental factors will enable entrepreneurs to reassess their ecological impact on their environment. This is a check for the organization so that the number of pollutants in the ecosystem is reduced.

Corporate Sustainability Responsibility forces brands and organizations to pay attention to their carbon footprint. The environmental factors within the PESTEL framework include climate protection measures, recycling processes, safe waste disposal, safe gas generation and annual sustainability goals for companies.

You are wondering why environmental factors are important at all? Over the years, companies have faced shortages in sourcing raw materials, resources and manpower. A poorly managed environment affects health – physically and mentally. Today, consumers are actively looking for ethically sound, sustainable products rather than those that can be environmentally harmful. Recklessness in this area can therefore lead to resorting to more significant opportunities and responsibilities overall.

Legal Factors

The PESTEL analysis involves monitoring and observing legal factors that govern the laws that govern the functioning of an organization . . These factors include:

Labor lawsDiscrimination lawsConsumer lawsCopyright and patent laws Antitrust lawsHealth and safety laws.

Wouldn't you like your business to do business legally and ethically? Every business needs in-depth knowledge to protect the rights of the company, consumers and employers. In-depth legal knowledge of the environment will therefore keep you up to date on all changes in the law.

This analysis is fundamental when doing business abroad. Each country has its own trade laws that regulate the industry. Hence it is necessary to have an attorney or legal representative to guide you through the trade ethics.


Analyzing the external environment is a critical step in doing business in any part of the world. Whether a PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis or DCF model, the results help you to create awareness of your consumers and your performance. The factors under PESTEL go far and wide to suit any study group in a setting. However, the importance of each factor varies from industry to industry.

The benefits of PESTEL analysis include data protection, improved infrastructure, better attitudes at work, effective marketing strategies, and sustainable trading approaches. As a brand owner, you ensure the well-being of employees and customers, taking environmental influences into account.

With the PESTEL analysis you can restructure your marketing strategies and sell your brand better. Would you like to better identify opportunities and risks for your organization? Learn more about the PESTEL analysis and use it to gain an advantage over the competition.


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Source References: TechPluto