Startup Business Plan-Finance & Operations Section (video 5)

For a startup, the finance section of a business plan is critical. If you’re seeking funding, it is the most important part of your plan. This video walks you through what you will need in your plan, and what you can leave out.

For more no nonsense startup business plan tips, including a free business plan template, check out:

For step-by-step help, check out this 70 pg eBook, Business Plans for Startup, which continues with Tom & Jerry’s business, but goes more in depth in explanations and examples. $9.99 For more help writing your startup business plan including a free business plan template check out:

Don’t miss a video!

-Video 1: Before You Start
-Video 2: Executive Summary & Business Description
-Video 3: Product/Service Description
-Video 4: Marketing Strategy
-Video 5: Operations & Finance Summary (THIS VIDEO)
-Video 6: Executive Summary *redux*

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