[Startup Funding] Top 7 Ways to Raise $100,000 To Fund Your Startup

Original blog post:


Friends & family funding
Accelerators & incubators
Angel investors
SBA loans
Retirement savings
Government grants
If you are starting a new business or launching your startup and you need funding, this article is for you.

While the obvious startup funding options include tapping into your personal savings, applying for credit cards, and pitching to outside investors, there are many OTHER options that you might not be aware of.

Recent regulatory changes have brought alternative funding options to entrepreneurs to make startup funding MUCH easier.

What do I mean?

Up until the 2008 financial crisis that rocked the banking world for good, most business owners relied on traditional bank financing to grow their businesses.

Yes, there have always been angel investors and venture capital in some way shape or form, traditional wisdom led entrepreneurs to traditional financing rounds.

But since 2008, the emergence of alternative startup funding opportunities has created billions of dollars of new funding opportunities for entrepreneurs. We will show you them in this article.

Here are 7 ways to fund your startup

#1: Personal Savings
#2: Friends & Family
#3: Crowdfunding
#4: Accelerators & Incubators
#5: Angel investors
#6: SBA Loans
#7: Retirement Savings
#8 Government Grants

======= Important Links =======

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☞ Get a business line of credit:
