WordPress Theme Development Part 12 ( Redux Framework Part 1 )

Reference Link: https://wordpress.org/plugins/redux-framework/

To start with this Theme Development Series Please Follow this Steps :

1. Learn HTML and HTML5 at First from somewhere
2. Learn CSS and CSS3 along with PSD to HTML5 & CSS3
3. Learn How to Make a Website Responsive
4. Learn about javascript and jQuery, jQuery Plugins
5. Learn UIKit and Bootstrap

3rd, 4th and 5th requirements are not mandatory.. but You should Follow

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17 Comments on “WordPress Theme Development Part 12 ( Redux Framework Part 1 )”

  1. how can i upload multi files (images) and take it to an array for printing images's url? Tks for reading my question!

  2. Hi great tutorials…..but one thing i want to ask kindly can you add English(text) translation in your videos….so all can understand….Kind Regards,

  3. অনেক ভালো কিছু শিখলাম । এ জন্য ধন্যবাদ দিতে চাই সুজন ভাইকে ।

  4. vi woocommerce plaguin ta ki vabe automatic theme a add korbo thik redux framwork ar moto kore?

  5. ধন্যবাদ। ভাই আপনি zboom theme এ gallery page এর পোস্ট গুলার টাইটেল এ ক্লিক করলে কিভাবে অন্য পেজ এ পুরা পোস্ট দেখাবে সেটা দেখাতে চাইছিলেন। ঐটা কি কোন পর্বে দেখাইছেন না পরে দেখাবেন ?

  6. Great tutorials, but I need all redux classes or training in English language or Urdu. I would be happy to pay / buy it from you, can you please provide this service? Thanks.

  7. Thanks for your awesome video tutorial.
    I've got a question about redux framework theme option.

    Why your "sample-config.php" have different code from the "Redux Master" ?
    (the master file of Redux that need to be embed to the theme).

    Your sample-config.php code is
    "$this->sections[] = array(…"

    but the one I downloaded from the redux-master is :

    "Redux::setSection( $opt_name, array(…."

    Thank you

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