Worst Advice People Gave You- Street Team Episode

Worst Advice People Gave You Valuetainment Weekly Episode #111 Subscibe to the newsletter:
Patrick says there are two ways you gain wisdom, personal experience or borrowing it from someone else. So as we start the new year, the Valuetainment Weekly street team was sent to Hollywood to ask people, what’s the worst advice you’ve ever been given? Here’s what they had to say. To see more videos from Entrepreneur Network partner, Patrick Bet-David check out VALUETAINMENT


15 Comments on “Worst Advice People Gave You- Street Team Episode”

  1. worst advice was to remove the old mercury filling in my teeth and replace with enamel, tooth 1 no problem, tooth 2 they went too close to nerves and ive been miserable since…shouldve left the sleeping cat asleep

  2. Even if I sometimes wished people didn't meddle in my affairs, and give unasked for advice, there is not one bad advice with which I actually followed through, where I haven't learnt something positive out of it in the end.

  3. Still going- The worst advice I have been given is that "School is the only way to success." Your way of thinking and book Pat has totally restructured my view of school. School is a thing that takes away all creativity, and punishes those who express it. It is a place that trains workers, to never think outside the box, to never question, and to never believe that they can.

  4. Worst advice I've ever been given:
    " You'll figure life out eventually". This is something I've been told many many times. Not everybody figures out life. As Patrick has said many times, The majority​ of people go through life and aren't happy with their jobs. They don't understand why they haven't accomplished their dreams and why they are repeating the same boring work week over and over again. Everybody has dreams and aspirations. People need to stop waiting around for things to fall in place… Instead we must take life and make the best out of it. ( Sadly, Most people don't.).

    Thanks For the video Guys!

  5. The worse advice given to me was, 'Don't go to an all Black university.' Seven years later, I found out two would have given me full scholarships and now I'm in my 30's, still trying to pay off the student loan.

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