10 Tips for Dealing with Overly Emotional People | Develop People Skills | Communication Training

10 Tips for Dealing with Overly Emotional People | Develop People Skills | Communication Training
Do people get emotional with you? Do you get nervous because you don’t know what to do? Are you able to calm them down? Find out how to handle these individuals by watching this short 6 minute video. Please subscribe to my channel. I make videos here every Wednesday.
Check out all my videos on Dealing with Difficult People:

How to Deal with The The Know-It-All | Communication Skills Training | Difficult Conversations: https://youtu.be/o9wAQhecqto

How to Deal with The Back-Stabber | Communication Skills Training | Difficult Conversations: https://youtu.be/lP23IDHUDJE

How to Deal with a Prima Donna | Communication Skills Training | Difficult Conversations: https://youtu.be/CkNA2Rnzt8E

How to Deal with The Whiner | Communication Skills Training | Difficult Conversations: https://youtu.be/4QE1vIHpP7c

How to Deal with The Bully | Communication Skills Training | Difficult Conversations: https://youtu.be/aBYsmdcB8nw

How to Deal with The Soap Star | Communication Skills Training | Difficult Conversations: https://youtu.be/lc1q2QLyosg

How to Deal with Difficult People | Communication Skills Training | Difficult Conversations: https://youtu.be/dV7Cb2dLpzo

3 Tips on Dealing with Difficult People | Difficult Conversations with Difficult People: https://youtu.be/f06bVMrnYvY

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Funny communication training video on how to develop people skills. Free Audio, Video, and more! Communication skills at work and dealing with difficult people are the topic of the day during this live training seminar. http://www.michellemotivateme.net
Effective communication skills training videos brought to you by Michelle Marchand Canseco, expert trainer on how to interview. Learn how to read body language, body language techniques, how to deal with difficult people at work, how to manage horrible bosses, deal with know-it-all types, power phrases for work, danger phrases for work, body language secrets, job interview skills, and more. Our online communication skills training classes, communication training workshops, and communication skills training webinars can be enjoyed live or online anywhere in the world.

If you’re looking to improve your people skills with communication expert and motivational keynote speaker Michelle Marchand Canseco.

Maybe you can’t stand the thought of confronting someone who is a back-stabber. Perhaps you either avoid confrontation completely or end up saying things you regret later. How you handle these situations may cost you a lot in your professional and personal life. Learn what to do in approximately 5 minutes with me. I promise you will change the way you handle overly emotional people forever!

I have new “How To” videos coming out every Wednesday.

Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to my channel to receive all of the “How To” videos to improve your relationships with others both professionally and personally.





Please subscribe to my channel. I make videos here every Wednesday.


12 Comments on “10 Tips for Dealing with Overly Emotional People | Develop People Skills | Communication Training”

  1. Well you probably will deal with more emotional people in your life again so I hope the information gave you some ideas on how to deal with them. Thanks for connecting with me. -Michelle

  2. I wonder if anyone was listening to this on a mobile device while talking to the overly emotional friend and when she said " punch him right in the nose" the person did

  3. what if when i say what i need the overly emotional person says "i am sorry, i didnt realize we were talking about you" how should i respond to this? please help cuz all i can think of is to run!

  4. Don't listen to the guy at the bottom, you have a lovely voice, and I would say its actually a turn on (don't mean to creepy but it's true). Great Video!

  5. Hmmm, some people get offended quickly but don't seem to care when they offend other people though.

  6. I very much appreciate your effort to educate the youth and those who need this advice. I'll do my best to process this information and utilize these techniques in every day life style. I really need to because of my relationship situation, I want me and my girlfriend to coexist without the stress of emotional recoil so I thank you for your patronage. And I have a question: What details go into step 2 and step 10?

  7. Thank you for this. My sister is a very emotional person, and sometimes it drives me crazy. She always feels like she is the victim, and people are doing her wrong. But she is just very, very sensitive. Even if the words are hurtful, if you say them in a mean tone she will be offended.

    She is 21 years old, and I'm 19. I feel like she is the little sister. -__-"

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