28 Comments on “Add Image Slider In WordPress Header”

  1. Unfortunately Easing Slider plugin does not work with my WP 2011 theme. It
    does not allow me to add a new slider (the plugin setting page does not
    display properly..the items at the top are distorted and it does not allow
    me to add slides or publish a new slider..).

  2. Hy Brad, the current Image Slider (V has the short code to enter
    the image slider into a post [easingslider id=”91″]. But it appears to have
    no code snippet to insert into the theme files. Is there any way to find or
    write this code? I’m using 2012 theme.

    Great Video BTW, watched it about 4 times trying to figure out a solution.

  3. Hi Brad, plugging Easy Slider can’t be download anymore. However, I was
    able to download from WordPress Easing Slider “Lite” which is very limited.
    However thank you for your tutorial and code I was able to have a slide
    image into my header under my theme Travelify. The only problem, I can’t
    add any shadow or special effects. Plus I have to play with the margin and
    crop the picture prior loading them which make this very tricky. Still
    trying to figure this out…I have check their upgrade and there is not
    much difference. I wish I could found something that give effects but I
    must admits, I like to have the slide image on every page…it’s kind of
    cool…different. If you can help please do so…not sure how I can fix my
    margin for some reason it’s more to the right then the left and it’s not
    attached to the border below.. thanks

  4. Brad – Awesome video. I really appreciate the way you show different ways
    of doing things. I’m new to Genesis and have enjoyed how you make the DIY
    aspects of the framework come alive. Thanks.

  5. Hey there Brad, Im having a huge problem with getting my pictures to be
    resized. I changed the size of my slider, also enabled the picture resize
    from the settings, and even changed the pictures from both photoshop and
    also the wp theme and still cant change the size. Do you have any

  6. Hey Brad..this plug in has changed. They now give you a “lite” version free
    and is totally different menu interface and options from the one’s shown
    here…maybe you can do an update video..? 

  7. I think this widget must have changed since you made this video. The widget
    you are using isn’t available. I downloaded several other slider widgets,
    but I am not able to get them into the header, I can only place them in a
    page. I am using academica theme

  8. hi
    do you know by any chance if i can put a slider in wordpress.com (free blog
    with now hosting and plugs)?

  9. Thank you for the nice tutorial.
    I am having one problem. The slider floats to the left of the page and I
    seem unable to move it to the center. I am using expound theme

  10. Hey Brad..this plug in has changed. They now give you a “lite” version free
    and is totally different menu interface and options from the one’s shown
    here…maybe you can do an update video..? and how can you add the image
    sliding mechanism to a particular area where there is no such in the theme.

  11. Thank you so much for this tutorial!! It was so easy to follow and I got my
    slider up and it looks great :)

  12. hey brad plz help me out , where to put the php code of the new easying
    slider lite in the header . tried at the same place of yours but its above
    the header image ,i can see both slider images on top and below the header
    image ?????

  13. Hi this is a great tutorial ! but where do I find the code/short code that
    I need to put into the editor ?

  14. Hi Brad-I installed the easing slider “lite” which was a fairly easy
    set-up, but the slider doesn’t appear. I am using Twenty Eleven and the php
    code, although I’ve tried the short code as well. I don’t know what I’m
    doing wrong. Please help!

  15. very helpful, but i have a question
    how can i remove the slider from all the others pages on my website, i just
    want have the slider on the home page????

  16. hi i am using word press attitude my slider page are coming one by one
    below, what to do i don’t know. previously it was working fine i did some
    custom css. now i am facing this problem.

  17. Hi Brad, well I’m sorry but I found this video not really useful or helpful
    at all. I have Frisco software, and the Revolutions slider. It’s supposed
    to have everything needed but when I reach the Edit Slides it just comes up
    saying I have no slides on file. So I guess I have to create slides? Is
    that it? So I have to get more plugins (and frankly I’ve found installing
    plugins a huge headache, often b/c my FTP doesn’t always seem to work. Or
    do I get a plugin in a different way than through my FTP? You see? You make
    one statement and it leads to 3 or 4 questions, with every statement you
    make. Granted I’m using a different theme, but it’s supposed to be
    all-inclusive, just download and start pointing & clicking, which it
    absolutely is not. I’m amazed, all the comments here find it an easy &
    simple process. I must be an absolute dunce, I guess. My question: “How do
    I make a slide?” so my revslider software can access it etc …

  18. Would this work if I am currently using wootique theme in wordpress? I am
    trying to change the size of the slider feature button, its to small….

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