Agile Software Development – An Introduction

This video by WatchIT provides a practical introduction to the world of Agile software development. It features expert Alex Adamopolous, CEO of Emergn. This …

22 Comments on “Agile Software Development – An Introduction”

  1. imagine paying for college and your professor pulls this up for class while
    he makes a quiz based on the video. Might as well get a ps4 huh?

  2. “Agile is better than previous ways of making software.” There, I just
    saved you half an hour. God damn.

  3. A beginner’s guide to agile software development, one that covers
    everything: right from history to how the agile teams are structured. Also
    the inclusion of the challenges faced takes the video to a whole new level.

  4. Really Really useful for the understanding of Agile includes what Agile
    means? why agile?where we need to use?…

  5. Agile methodology did not started in 2001. Sorry, but this guy is only
    doing some kind of promotion. Learn about Agile methodology , search for
    Professor Takeuchi and Nunaka.

  6. this is very informative, however the style of this video is SO outdated
    (hello 90’s!) I wish they would make it more modern than a guy talking to a
    tv and shots of people typing

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