AnyPixel.js – a web friendly way for anyone to make unusual displays

AnyPixel.js is an open source software and hardware library created here at Google, making it possible to use the web to create big, unusual, interactive displays out of all kinds of things. Anyone can take the code and the schematics to create their own display at any scale or level of expertise.

The first display using this platform is in the 8th Avenue lobby at the Google NYC office. To create this installation, we used 5880 off-the-shelf arcade buttons as our pixels.

Learn more about the project and how to create your own AnyPixel.js display at

8 Comments on “AnyPixel.js – a web friendly way for anyone to make unusual displays”

  1. Putting this out into the universe … if anyone on the east or west coast interested in working together to build something out like this , let me know!

  2. I want an interactive app developed in this like a train station game; press once to make a station, press twice to make a track point, then keep clicking the dots to create the track, once done press it two more times and for the finishing piece we put a station by pressing on. The trains are complimentary colors to the track colors. Speaking of track colors. Multiple color choice. Too bad I'm not smart enough to get a high school diploma.

  3. I wonder if I can incorporate the software into my JVF Led Sign. Right now it boots DOS with it's own software from a floppy disk.

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