11 Comments on “Beginners Guide to Software Development – Part 3: Basic JavaScript Data Types”

  1. This is the first time I’ve ever thanked anyone for their youtube videos
    instructional or otherwise. THANK YOU!

  2. Think null and undefined are confusing? Try typing NaN === NaN into the
    console. It returns “false” because NaN (Not a Number) is not equal to
    anything, including itself! So, NaN !== NaN returns “true”.

    Incidentally, besides “pop”, there’s “shift” to remove elements from the
    beginning of an array. There’s also “push” to add elements to the end and
    “unshift” to add them to the beginning. One trick I use to remember the
    purpose of shift vs unshift is to call them “shave” and “unshave”. Shaving
    is a morning activity (for most of us) so it has to do with the beginning
    of the day (“day” rhymes with “array”). Also, to shave a beard is to remove
    it and to unshave it is to let it grow! (Sometimes it’s necessary to come
    up with crazy analogies like this to remember JavaScript stuff.)

  3. awesome videos man. I actually am learning something from these compared to
    other tutorials. Btw, has anyone told you you look like Will Forte? lol

  4. I have been a member on Youtube for years and have never thought about
    subscribing to anyone’s channel, but you sir are a true gem. I guess you
    will be the first youtuber I’ve ever subscribed to, because I’m getting
    ready to go all in. It’s like I’m losing my Youtube virginity for the first
    time, but I’m ready… lol. Thanks man, you make learning fun and awesome.
    I subscribed.

  5. Great video Jesse, lol at the curly braces comment. Looking forward to the
    other parts!

  6. That’s because JavaScript “interprets” or “knows” it’s a Number. In
    strongly typed languages, you HAVE to say it’s a Number, and it’s very
    strict. In fact, the next version of JavaScript after Harmony may have some
    form of manual type hinting. For example, here’s JavaScript now: var
    myNumber = 2; and here’s TypeScript (Microsoft’s version of future
    JavaScript): myNumber:number = 2; and here’s ActionScript, what Flash
    evolved JavaScript to: var myNumber:Number = 2;

  7. Also, JavaScript is pretty loose and weird how it handles Numbers vs.
    Strings. Go watch Destroy All Software’s “Wat” video, I’ve put the link the

  8. 8:42 im laughing since a couple of days about it :DDD such a nice person
    with best humour. thank u for being!!

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