16 Comments on “Change the header image in WordPress Twenty Eleven theme”

  1. That was really helpful. Straightforward and easy to understand. Many
    thanks, I will be visiting again. All the best, Sam

  2. Good video, you will help a lot of people! I have make a video about my
    WordPress website. See it on my YouTube channel.

  3. Good video. In WordPressorg twenty-eleven theme, do you know how to
    decrease the height of the white space where the site name is (I want to
    keep the site name there with the stock font size but decrease the white
    above and below the site name)?

  4. Yes, when you make a new page add a featured image (from the dialogue in
    right hand sidebar). The image must be 1000 x 288 pixels. It will
    automatically be used just for that page. 2011 is still a great theme and a
    good choice for your blog. PS. I’m glad you found the video useful.

  5. To change the space above and below the text header. BACKUP YOUR FILES
    BEFORE CHANGING ANYTHING. In your style sheet search for 3.65625em there
    should only be two occurrences of this. One on line 512 and one on line
    529. It says add 3,6 ems of margin and padding above and below the
    #site-description and #site-title. Change the number to 1.65625em or
    anything else you like. When ever you change anything test it at a site
    like netrenderer(dot)com to make sure it works on different browsers.

  6. Many thanks for posting this video. It is exactly what I was looking for an
    enabled me to change the header to one I wanted to use.

  7. I am a wordpress expert and I created a series of 55 video tutorials for
    wordpress. It really is the most comprehensive wordpress video series ever.
    I have posted a link to this training on my channel. visit my channel and
    click that link.

  8. Thank you for the info. I will give it a shot. Right now my website has the
    padding where the title is normally disabled.

  9. Thanks for your help! I’m hoping to edit my site to incorporate different
    headers/images for different pages. Is this possible using the twenty
    eleven theme?

  10. nice very helpful video exactly what i was looking for.thanks so much for

  11. I work as a web developer and I just made a series of 25 video tutorials
    for wordpress. It really is the best wordpress video series ever. You can
    watch a sample video from this training course on my channel.

  12. Nice tutorial. A man after my own heart… nice and steady, not rushed at
    all… and with the added benefit of a northern accent! 🙂

  13. thank u for this reply..very helpful to me and made my work easier.. so
    thank u so much!

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