25 Comments on “Creating a WordPress Theme in 7 Minutes with Lubith”

  1. Good one.TemplateToaster is a designing software that is very easy to use
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    beginners for designing WordPress themes.

  2. Other then the plugins for a more dynamic site, why not just use iWeb?…
    If your running a mac.

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    venturing from videos to videos and I’ve found this mobile blogging thing.

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  6. can i edit and customise my current wrdpress theme in this n den upload the
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  9. i have this on my lubith page :/ aligh and especially i haven’t remove
    options 🙁 why?

  10. please use words..its hard to read and look at what your clicking at the
    same time..:(

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  14. yes someday i hope i can donate. Its between Non pro and Pro website. Not
    too Great and not too bad either. Brilliant.!

    PRESS! HELP!!!!

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