16 Comments on “Edge Conference – Panel 4: Responsive Layout”

  1. *Why are some designs easy to implement and others almost impossible? Can
    we make it easier to do magazine style column layout, fitted wrapping or
    embedding sandboxed content?*

    *For those aiming for truly responsive design, are variables like CPU
    power, viewing distance, input interface and pixel density just as
    important as viewport-width?*

    *Moderator**: Amber Weinberg*
    *Panelists**: George Crawford, Razvan Caliman, Andy Hume*

  2. Quite disappointed the issue of view distance (and by relation,
    DPI/PPI/DPR/DPPX) was only briefly mentioned. It’s rather important to know
    and have (honest and accurate) support for, in order to have a truly
    responsive design. Add to that zooming behaviours of browsers and how that
    should/shouldn’t affect responsive design. Regret not attending now.

  3. The ex audio engineer in me just died a little but thanks for the subtitles
    and a great resource

  4. one mic is all noise the other is tuned down. i guess next year i need to
    be there.

  5. The audio is terrible on all of the EdgeConf uploads, it destroys the
    experience. I couldn’t watch more than a few minutes.

  6. The Facebook audio guys had some problems, but we’ve professionally
    subtitled all 7 hours of Edge video content so flip the captions on if you
    can’t make out the audio.

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