How to Become a Software Developer

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34 Comments on “How to Become a Software Developer”

  1. I know i am stupid but what does a software developer really do. I am sorry
    i just want to find the job for me. 15 years Old

  2. You invested in the film, talked with developers, Excellent!! But why put
    music volume is so disruptive that can be heard almost nothing? You did not
    listen to the video before uploading it? Some things are beyond my grasp

  3. try lowering the music next time background music is good but not when its
    overshadowing the speaker

  4. Thanks that you agree with me for the most part. But you don’t need a
    degree. Really, you don’t. I agree with you that it’s very useful to have a
    degree specializing in software (CS degree or whatever), but not necessary
    to get a job and be a good developer.

  5. Everything above is correct. I am not agree only with school. It is really
    good motivation. As well as code cleaner. You can learn how to program by
    watching youtube or watching posts on stackoverflow. But only school can
    help you to make perfect and beautiful structure of your code. And, of
    course, without the degree you cannot find every job. You can be an awesome
    programmer and keep going up in your career. But one day you will realise
    that this is your limit. And finally you need a degree!

  6. It kind of looks like a long winded method to earn money online though do
    you not think lol? Effortless Money Builder is very different, and its
    really easy. Google the term Effortless Money Builder and you’ll see for

  7. Trying to watch this on my kindle (left my headphones in the car) and the
    music overpowers the speech. I can’t make out what’s being said.

  8. continued… so you can kind of see where I’m going with this. You don’t
    really decide “I want to be a software developer”, you have to kind of go
    with the flow and mold yourself into the field with experience. I can tell
    you that not many people who actually finish a program in software
    development in school become software developers, they either cannot find a
    job first and start somewhere else in IT, and then perhaps later on become
    entitled “software developers”.

  9. Software development is not a great field to be in right now in North
    America considering this service is being exported to India and Pakistan
    which have taken over a significant part of the market.School is useful to
    have but not as important as experience including examples of what you’ve
    done. My recommendation is to master at least 2 popular languages, develop
    some good examples for your portfolio, then if you decide to go to school
    or look for a job it’ll be easier for you. continued…

  10. I want to be a software developer. I like working with computers and other
    technology. Where can I get an intern job? What kind of companies and
    places I can go to become a software developer

  11. Do you actually want to make money online? Stop viewing YouTube clips and
    come join the 10,000 people making money by downloading Mad Money
    Missionary. Google it.

  12. Hi Fernando…I am really inspired by your story. I have been working with
    computers for 20 years but just as an operator. I don’t know much about the
    hardware/software functions/installation, I am really interested to know it
    all how they work and I will be able to fix , Can I become a certified IT
    professional at 45 or this is a clip too steep for me to climb on?. I am
    prepared whatever it takes to get there. I hope you or someone with you
    your knowledge can reply. Thanks. IT monger, Toronto.

  13. This girl is not in the video, but it does depict someone trying to figure
    this “code” stuff out. It is a relevant thumbnail to the topic.

  14. That sounds like a good idea. Do you recommend sticking to the Java world
    for the time being? Part of my problem is not knowing what
    language/technology I should be using and studying more of. It seems like
    there are more Java based jobs out there than anything else.

  15. How about learning to touch type? I am truly dismayed at the number of
    software developers who spend so much time using a keyboard without being
    able to type.

  16. In my experience, if you become a jack of all trades you will be a master
    of none. Software Engineers that spread themselves too thin, and try to
    learn too many technologies and languages end up doing a poor/mediocre job.
    I’ve seen this many times in industry.

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