IBM Fellow Grady Booch: Why Engineering?

Grady Booch is recognized internationally for his innovative work in software architecture, software engineering, and collaborative development environments. He has devoted his life’s work to improving the art and the science of software development. Grady served as IBM’s Chief Scientist of Rational Software Corporation since its founding in 1981 and through its acquisition by IBM in 2003.

He now is part of the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center serving as Chief Scientist for Software Engineering, where he continues his work on the Handbook of Software Architecture and also leads several projects in software engineering that are beyond the constraints of immediate product horizons. Grady continues to engage with customers working on real problems and is working to build deep relationships with academia and other research organizations around the world. Grady is one of the original authors of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) and was also one of the original developers of several of Rational’s products. Grady has served as architect and architectural mentor for numerous complex software-intensive systems around the world in just about every domain imaginable.

20 Comments on “IBM Fellow Grady Booch: Why Engineering?”

  1. Thanks for taking the time to make this video – Will help us in our School
    activities to make students interested in science. Joydeep

  2. A great inspiring lecture on science, engineering and technology from a
    true master. Incredibly simple and insightful. Thanks a ton

  3. 3:00-3:04 the body language and eye movement are very realistic, can’t you
    get his mouth to move? its irks me.

  4. thanks for your comment. I have started! And sweet idea, I most certainly
    will contribute to an open source project. I need to study a bit more
    though 🙂

  5. then don’t wait 😉 there are plenty of books and papers you can read, and
    you can always get your feet wet by contributing to an open source project.

  6. Thank you for coming up with engineering related videos. I hope we can grow
    more relevant and educational alternative engineering videos online.

  7. irks me too 😉 we had a pilot error in filming the SL clips, wherein we
    forgot to set the option to record the client-side facial animations.

  8. Great description of the rationale, skill set, and motivation of the
    engineer. Can be applied to all domains of engineering.

  9. this is a piece composed by sandia beaumont (that’s her SL avatar name) for

  10. Enjoyed the video – content and delivery method. It helps me see where
    we’ve been and that we’re still going strong with innovation … I plan to
    share this with some students we mentor at the University of KY. Thanks for
    sharing this great story.

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