8 Comments on “In 5 minutes learn HTML5 websockets”

  1. Great clear video. I have always known this to be a simple process but i end up writing much more than you illustrated, thanks for shortening it up, i last created a page which used ws about 8 years ago and was crowded by php. .. subscribed!!

  2. Hey, what is your server.js file to run the server on node. Did you execute two command in the terminal: first – node server.js and then node server_websocket.js . I tried to do that and I am getting error message when executing node server_websocket.js

  3. I have run the command :
    /var/www/html/html5_websocket$ nodejs server_websocket.js
    ok, server is running

    however, I still get the error :
    WebSocket connection to 'ws://localhost:8085/echo' failed: Error in connection establishment: net::ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED

    Is there something else I can check to figure out what's wrong?

  4. Hello Gaur, congratulations for his video lesson, I copied your code, but the conection it's refused, why is happen this? As i start the server "server_websocket.js"? Thanks very much.

  5. good tutorial 🙂 ..btw what is ws lib? how to setup protocol of ws://localhost:8080? is it from apache or something?

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