8 Comments on “Knews WYSIWYG Editor Demo: A WordPress Newsletter Plugin”

  1. I don’t see how the continue reading section works. It looks like you did
    something with it on the video, but I could not follow it, even after a
    couple of views.

  2. Ostres, he vist que tens el wordpress en català.
    Molt bon tutorial en vídeo. M’ ha ajudat molt a crear la meva newsletter.

    De tota manera, el fet que trigui tant en enviar només 49 mails, és
    normal??? O és un problema del programa o del servidor,…



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  4. Hi good video but I wished you talked on the video. it would be easer to

  5. Thanks for the information. One question: I tried to drag and drop the
    items on the right side of the page into the newsletter and they won’t
    drop. Do you know why that would happen? Thanks for any advice. Chris

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