20 Comments on “Office Space – What Would You Say You Do Here?”

  1. This is the only documented case where a do nothing manager actually gets called out on his doing nothing and getting paid.

  2. "Why couldn't the customers just take them directly to the software people?"

    Seems like a clever question on the face of it, but actually leaves you wondering instead why they hired this pair of bozos.

    1. Getting the specs from a customer can be a lengthy process of negotiation and exchanges of information. If you want to eliminate this guy, then it's just going to soak up the same amount of time (or more) from the developers. Meaning you'll have to add staff to compensate and save nothing.

    2. Getting the specs from a customer is a talent in itself. Often they don't really understand what they want. Often they want unrealistic things. Years of experience is very definitely an asset in getting all parties to agree on a project that is both practical and fills the customer's needs.

    3. Using the same guy allows him to build up a relationship with the customers. He gets to know their propensities and weaknesses and can guide the process better and leave them feeling happier.

    4. Writing up the specs in a clear, unambiguous manner is another acquired talent, after years of experience of what can be misinterpreted or cause developers to spend a lot of time on less important features.

    If the bozo brothers are going to ask questions like this, their process would have been better served by issuing them to the employees in advance and letting them think for a while. Instead, all you get are some glib people making themselves seem more important than they are and others, like this guy, panicking and failing to present his very reasonable case.

  3. I used to have a job where I took all the docs from the customers and took them to the underwriters. Explaining it to people was a bit like this.

  4. Having done this type of work, I'm convinced that most S/W projects fail b/c most engineers fail to understand customer requirements — there is no one to translate them into "engineerlish" — and customers are somehow allowed to form and harbor unrealistic expectations as to the deliverable's capabilities. Finally, many customers come in specifying a solution, instead of the functions and level of performance they need; their requirements might be satisfied much more simply and cheaply if an honest, competent business analyst is involved up-front. I can't imagine anything worse than letting customers interact immediately adn directly with engineers, except in the context of an essentially optional meet-and-greet.

  5. As a older programmer I have always gathered my own requirements. Then somewhere around the year 2000 I started hearing about business analysts. Since I have always gathered my own requirements and then wrote the code myself I've never really bought off on this whole concept.

  6. They should do this at EVERY job every 3 months management everywhere gets paid to do nothing but clock in and be bastards

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