SSL Certificates: Serving secure web content over HTTPS

The cheapest place to buy SSL certificates that I’m aware of:

Cloudflare introduces universal SSL

Two good blog posts on how the TLS handshake works:

Video explaining the math behind public encryption

self-signed certificate example:

Google’s announcement that they would begin discrediting sites that use SHA-1 certificates:

Google’s announcement that they will begin giving a ranking boost to sites serving content over HTTPS.

Comcast has been caught injecting ads into websites. They can’t do this if the site is served over HTTPS.

25 Comments on “SSL Certificates: Serving secure web content over HTTPS”

  1. I like your videos, they're short and combines theory and lil bit of programming too! :)

  2. Awesome ! Please help to know more about SSL certificates ..plz share more docs if you have ..

  3. Hi I was wondering if you could help me with some questions:
    Having obtained a personal Certificate from Certificate Authority (CAert WoT) to send encrypted mails, with my email, certificate fingerprints , key info, and checksums (with SHA1 and MD5 algorithms), my questions are:
    1)Is it possible for a dedicated attacker with unlimited resources to circumvent these protection mechanism?
    2)If it is possible, why is this mechanism still in place?
    3)Propose a way of distributing the root certificate that does not suffer the problems you’ve pointed out.
    Thanks in advance!

  4. Thanks for sharing this informative video to here. Good Job. I got 90 days free ssl certificate for my website from Comodo.

  5. Very nice explanation. Could you explain Heartbleed bug related to ssh in one of your future videos.

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