25 Comments on “that mitchell and webb look – people person”

  1. There does seem to be this mass acceptance of so-called 'people persons', 'bubbly personalities', 'bright and enthusiastic individuals' and so on. If Big Brother has taught us anything it's that the vast majority of society find these types of people insufferable douchebags. It's been a conspiracy all along, we all have been too scared to speak out because we genuinely thought that the rest of the room found these people genuinely likable, when in fact everyone was pretending, because they were labouring under the same misinterpretation as you. This is how people like Hitler rise to power.

  2. Anyone who brags about being a "people person" clearly have no clue. I don't "lack people skills" I just don't take BS!

  3. the sad thing is that most people have had the misfortune of knowing at least one tosser with "people skills" who is really an insecure person who doesn't give a crap about what you are saying. And just wants to give the impression that they are listening becuase they have a pathetic need to be seen to be extroverted and with it and liked when they are pathetic. Id rather someone say "I cant stand sewage works"!!!

  4. I wouldn't say that he always rants, thats ridiculous.. he does get worked up about things, but it is real and shows passion. Not like the millions of copies, that good ol' anger for the sake of anger, or anger with no substance, that has made youtube a pit of putrid crap, that needs a dredging machine to find anything informed or balanced.

  5. I know it's an old comment but I can't help laughing about ow you called him 'joshjayratnasingam'!

  6. by his logic, the pedos should've been there, cos, y'know, everyone goes to parties to fuck… xD

  7. riiight… people never go "ah fuck, i HAVE to go for this cos so-and-so expect me to be there".

    maybe stop portraying everyone in the world as sunny, overly-outgoing douches, kay?

  8. "No offense but in a party situation you seem as relaxed and friendly as a serial killer doing a police interview while still wearing his last victim's skin."


  9. dont be pissed off be proud that your diferent but dont call what everyone else wants to do boring shit cos that will piss them off.. do unto others

  10. it's no wonder I don't go to parties. sounds like a bunch of morons. OR. you may be generalizing about parties.

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