The Companion Web | Internet Explorer

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The Companion Web describes experiences that move seamlessly across the many screens in our lives – such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and televisions. The web today is built one device at a time, but in the near future, our experiences will be seamlessly linked together across our devices, creating a single shared experience, regardless of what device you use – or even who makes it.

14 Comments on “The Companion Web | Internet Explorer”

  1. Internet explorer sucks ass stupid microsoft.. right now on my computer chrome works, firefox works and internet explorer doesn't even open properly all it shows is this webpage cannot open to every single webpage…..

  2. Bullshit fluff. The instant I don't have to add a million conditional tags to my HTML, CSS and Javascript just so that it works in IE, I might consider using it.

  3. actually I have used it and Chrome is faster and less bulky and no its the best, did u wonder why it is the most used browser in the world and it does not even come preinstalled so people must like it

  4. you idiot. you haven't used IE 10 so shut up. the chrome you use its one of the shittest browser in the world.

  5. U idiot there is always new virus unknown by databases that will get through blocks its possible,btw IE sucks it uses the shittiest core (trident) Microsoft even admit it in there Do you know this Guy Ad

  6. good, filling up too much shit on your computer. enjoy your virus while I enjoy my virus free computer.

  7. IT IS Awesome now I use ie watching this:D I love it we would be awesome if they create themes:D

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