12 Comments on “UML Behavioral Diagrams: Sequence – Georgia Tech – Software Development Process”

  1. Finally, someone who explains UML Sequence diagrams clearly and without information overload. Thank you.

  2. I spent around 8 x 10 hours in Lectures to understand UML diagrams, in German language. 2 hours on Interaction Diagrams alone. Learnt Nothing.
    Saw this video, learnt in 2 minutes.

  3. This is what ladies and Gentlemen, we call a good explanation. A good teacher and a person who knows how to make sense when he talks! Good Job.. thanks!

  4. Good visuals and general explanation. But shouldnt there be a gab in the control between math101 message 6 and 9? And between message 7 and 8 of math101 aswell?

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