Web Browser Control in Microsoft Excel 2007 VBA

This video shows how to install and place a Web Browser (WebBrowser1) Control add-on into a Workbook or Worksheet. In this video the .Navigate and .GoBack options for the control are used along with using a Range as your input for the URL web page.

17 Comments on “Web Browser Control in Microsoft Excel 2007 VBA”

  1. Could please explain the vba code to synchronize the browser tab. Like we use it in uft when we login to any application it will open another application in another tab in uft we use browser. Sync current time

  2. Thanks Alex.  This solved a MAJOR problem for me.  Really appreciate your cadence, not too slow, but not insanely fast either.

  3. Great stuff as always Alex. I watched the video hoping that I would be able to modify what you have done into a userform…you can…and then I watched your video again through the userform!

  4. Currently I upload a PDF file Into web Browser its posible to active the function
    "Find" or search Word ? since Excel Macro ??? 

  5. thanks really helped. looks like it works for folder directories too.

    small suggestion – if you use 'Me' instead of Sheets("Sheet1") you get the bonus of VBA Intellisense first to autosuggest the name of the WebBrowser control and then to give you all of it's properties and methods after each full-stop.

    Me.WebBrowser1.Navigate link_name

  6. Great!!… but i cant see the web… put me "error 438". My excel is in spanish like my lenguage… that`s a problem?. 

  7. thanks heaps for this i wasnt sure how to get webbrowser options in vba, thought it only worked in vb

  8. Thank you very much now i gonna kick off my tracker Software installed in my office computer.

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