Web technology tutorial: Understanding how the web works | lynda.com

You use it every day, for banking, researching, shopping, and social media, but do you really know how the web works? This tutorial examines the overall process of how the web works. Watch more at http://www.lynda.com/Web-Web-Foundations-tutorials/Web-Technology-Fundamentals/158666-2.html?utm_campaign=VRg4XYwxRCE&utm_medium=social&utm_source=youtube-earned.

This tutorial is a single movie from the Web Technology Fundamentals course by lynda.com author James Williamson. The complete course is 2 hours and 4 minutes and shows how a “plain English” guide to the technology and the terminology behind the web.

1. Introduction to the Web
2. Front-End Technology
3. Back-End Technology
4. Assembly Technologies