24 Ways to Build a Great Company Culture

24 Ways to Build a Great Company Culture- “If you don’t take care of your people, someone else will”. In this episode of Valuetainment, Patrick shares 24 Ways to Build a Great Company Culture that wasn’t read about in a book, these are points and suggestions that he’s implemented at his own company for years.

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43 Comments on “24 Ways to Build a Great Company Culture”

  1. Still going- great video and perspective. I love this perspective. I am naturally like this, I love fun environments so much, but also, I love a balance of seriousness mixed in.

  2. Great advice, especially for someone who is building a team at a young age because we get to grow with the culture. The question I have is this; Knowing that we have to take "risks" in order to grow, how careful should I be about picking the right people at first? Thank you.

  3. Hello I have a question. I just started my own company and asked my current employer for advise. He owns a contracting company and I just started one as well, but before I had my own company I only worked with him as a contractor. He got mad because I asked him for advise with my company. I was told that he saw it as competition. I still want to work with him because he has job contracts that I get. I now hire my own contractors and do what he is doing, but I do great business with him and do not want to break the business partnership. What do I do? It seems that if he sees me as competition he will no longer offer me contracts. Thanks and I expect a response.

  4. Why you didn't list those 24 ways with the minutes at which you begin talking about them (as you did with many other videos). I think it's one of the best things that set your videos apart.

  5. Being intentional with pranks …. genius.
    I’ve recently started managing the family butchers business as my dad’s health ain’t as great as it used to be, 2 stores and no structure, no training . Feeling in over my head your videos are helping

  6. Thank you so much. I am starting a new job (food service manger) where the culture is in the dumpster and the director wants me to bring it all together. I feel that I can go in now and make a difference. Thank you so much!!

  7. What does it mean when all the employees of a company voluntarily gift $100 to the C.E.O? My sister infer to me that it means the C.E.O is not worthy of the position.

  8. I don't like pranks, i think the mentality at laughing at others misfortune is immature! However i suppose there are different levels of pranks, definitely think having fun and enjoying work is great.

  9. Thanks Patrick, I watched every video of you! I really want your book but it isn't available on my country and cannot buy on Amazon 🙁 where can I have your book? I'm from Indonesia

  10. Just starting my company and I like to have fun when I'm working with others if you could take a moment and look at the site I just set up and tried to set the culture on the website. Oniumind.com I hope you like it.

  11. And you had a tee shirt one time that had Autodidact on it and would like one but it's not on sale if you're not going to make it that's fine I can have it made preech.

  12. OMG the call-out section. Just today an employee from the parent company was talking to me and was pissed at one of ours (who also works with them). I personally had no problem with the way she worked and so did the other leaders but it completely stumped me I didn't know what to say without upsetting both top performers… Bah next time I'll know what to do

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