26 Comments on “Add Login | Logout And Registration Links To Your WordPress Blog”

  1. It does not appear in my menu area, appears in my widget area..how can I solve it?

  2. Hello Sir, will you please suggest me an best plugin for adding sellers to my e commerce site

  3. do you have a continuation on how to redirect customers to a register page instead of the WordPress site ?

  4. Hey seth, im wondering how exactly to fix an issue and wondering if you could help? in my forum, visitors cant create new topics or reply to topics, they als cant use my register or login links to work, its says authorization error?

  5. How would you restrict members from accessing certain pages when they are not signed up?

  6. many people are asking about a reg form. this is kind of half assed in my humble opinion.

  7. hiii
    how can i give redirect link to specific page..when user clicks REGISTER link on admin page….? need help

  8. hiii
    how can i give redirect link to LOGIN and REGISTER tabs to specific page..? need help

  9. Thank you for this video. I have been trying to get a nice login/register page. Very easy to follow and install.

  10. I have a problem that is frustrating me…Wordpress is a wild ride but I am going to conquer it!! I was following tutorial with the A5 Custom Login plugin…I got my logo that I wanted on there but the problem is that when I test it and hit "log in" it shows the wordpress logo and then the logo comes up but in other words when people go to log in it will show wordpress for a brief second before the logo pops up….I don't want this…help!!! Thanks!!

  11. Thanks man … I have used Ajax login/register plugin but didn't know how to put logout facility for visitors. Didn't know it was in Menu section. cheers

  12. you did not click the registration …..thats what i want in my site..how to put a registration form for a user..hope you ca help me…

  13. Thanks Seth.
    One question please. Why when I log out it takes me to the login page with a message that I am log out. on this video when you log out you stay on the same page. Thanks

  14. Hi seth, for my website, I have followed your instructions in this video but i would like a page those looking to login or register to be directed to another page rather than the default webpress page. how do i do this and what is the best options? thanks

  15. Why does the "Register" link still show up on my site even when logged in? I notice in your demo that the "Register" link in menu is gone when logged in and visible when logged out. How do you make that happen?

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