17 Comments on “Bishop T.D. Jakes On His New Book ‘Soar’, Entrepreneurship & Guiding The Millennials”

  1. they asked such good questions. and I love that they asked for a prayer at the end.

  2. ''You can't go through this world by yourself. You need people in this world. Things are gonna happen along the way that you can't pay for''

  3. As pastors, I can't imagine why someone would think getting into ministry is a money maker. Ministry is a life of sacrifice, it's a lot of work and money is not a benefit, I can attest. Even Bishop Jake's money came from his own business before ministry. I am so glad Bishop Jakes mentioned how all businesses have phonies, people just like to point fingers at the church.

  4. his sermon "this is not the time to loose your head" saved my life three years ago literally God sent me to that message

  5. The Gospel is for Man to turn from their wicked ways and repent and live a lifestyle that Jesus approves of. This FALSE PREACHER is a MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER WOLF IN SHEEPS clothing FALSE TEACHING Uncircumcised PHILISTINE Preacher. JESUS DIED FOR YOUR SOUL TO GIVE YOU ETERNAL PEACE IN HEAVEN and FOR the WORLD to Come. NOt FOR NO HOUSE or HUSBAND or CAR or BUSINESS. THis guy is playing with the poor Christians and Women who has ITCHING EARS TO SAY WHAT THEY WANT TO HEAR BUT NOT WHAT THEY NEED HEAR to steal their money so he could live lavish.

  6. This guy is a false preacher period he is a businessman. Talk about lifestyle change you false preacher.These breakfast club hosts need to repent of their sins and he is talking money and business you false preacher. Your number one job false preacher is to turn turn people to JESUS Christ and repent of their sins. Td Jakes is The god of this world preacher. The world is coming to an end quick these are the last and evil days all he is talking about is money.What about pointing people to the world to come false preacher Jakes. Jesus is coming and all this false preacher is talking about is a dying world and getting money when The Bible says in revelation that the rich in the last days will be throwing their gold in the streets because money will have no value. Jesus died for your soul not your wallet. Hey Jakes since you have so much faith give all your money to the poor and wait for GOD to give it back to you you false preacher. I pray that you repent before judgement day when you stand before a mighty and Holy GOD and have to give an account for not telling People who are lost to repent and turn to Christ. Jesus is the only way to survive you false teacher not Obama not LL cool J not Sean Combs. Black people are lost because they turned away from Jesus and started worshipping false gods. Td Jakes is Satan’s preacher that’s why he won’t tell the truth.

  7. Would like to send a BIG BIG …
    SUCK MY DICK to alll Bishop n reverda/Pastors … Especially the Cocksuckers on Tv with Mega churches ?..

  8. This was the best interview I’ve ever heard on this show. Great questions by the crew and TD Jakes took on those tough questions head on! Crushed it! The end was the best part! Kudos to you all!!?????????? Proud of the intellect, grace and respect displayed by all!

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