29 Comments on “Creating a Rogue-like game [C++11 programming]”

  1. I’m your truly fan 🙂 really nice project i tried to do something like
    that but using python really nice project !

  2. Why didn’t you record at 30 fps? Just curious.

    EDIT: Oh, is it because your characters / second is locked in the process
    of recording and sometimes you need to input stuff faster than 30
    characters / second (comments and stuff)?

  3. Fantastic video! Very glad to see more programmers are using C++11.

    Some quick comments:

    The “_f” literal with operator “%” formatting syntax looks really
    convenient. Is it part of your “printf.hh”?

    Most of the macros you’ve used could have been avoided – for example, you
    could have used inline noexcept functions for random number generation, or
    inline variadic template noexcept functions to alias std::regex_match. I’m
    not completely against macros (especially in a non-library project), but
    sometimes forgetting to undefine them can lead to unexpected problems.

    I really like the idea behind GenericData. Using aggregate construction
    syntax looks elegant and readable.

    Looking forward to see more! :)

  4. You usually edit just one source file in your programming videos.
    How often do you work with multiple files in one project?
    Does it help? In what situations? Can it be an annoyance?

    Thanks for this great video, it’s very interesting, I’m learning C++ (not
    11, but some older standard) as my first programming language :)

  5. it’s almost depressing knowing that everyone will one day die including the
    creators of this world.

  6. You’re a really amazing programmer! I’m working on a roguelike game myself
    in lua. Unfortunately I don’t understand much more than the general
    concepts of your C++ code :)

  7. I didn’t watched the video. Because the game wasn’t interested me.
    But nice to see more programming video. I love your programming videos.
    Happy holidays :)

  8. I really wish my code was as clean as yours. I Love watching your videos by
    the way.

  9. Wow! I haven’t seen a retro rogue-like in quite some time!
    I recall having programmed one of these for my computer class when I was in
    high school. I still have a printed copy sorted into my filing cabinet.

    Your code is much more concise, and generally sorted a lot better, though!
    (Scripting the NPCs really ruined my cleanly sorted code, it was… pretty

    My new script for a Wizardry clone, is far superior to my old high school
    version– I define NPCs based by the player’s region (specific map, town,
    or dungeon, etc.), and set the X,Y into slot-indexed position integers,
    along with index values, identifying the type of NPC and their speech
    strings. Shop and Innkeepers have an additional variable, identifying
    stocklist/price. Basically, the NPCs are treated as un-killable monsters by
    the engine.

    It’s nice to see a new programming video from you! It’s been a while.

  10. Really enjoyed watching this earlier (on the TV!) Look forward to finding
    out what that last (music) track is, really nice.

  11. This is cool. I’ve actually be thinking of designing a beginner’s
    programming course based on the idea that the students would gradually
    build up a Rogue-like game over the course of a semester. Of course they
    would be using less sophisticated C++ than this.

  12. Have you considered using ncurses library?
    It makes your game Linux specific but allows for keyboard handling and
    tries to detect your terminals. Maybe there is a vt100 terminal emulator
    for Windows if you need support for ncurses there. Shame that Microsoft
    never adopted the standard POSIX vt100 interface…

  13. Wow, just watching this after I’ve been trying to teach myself all the
    basics of C++ over the last month just shows me how much I have yet to
    learn. And all this, is simply for a small game, and I’m sure that AAA
    games contain code much harder than this, on a larger scale. Guess it’s
    time to study…
    Great job by the way

  14. What os is this? And how long have you been programming? Great video and
    very good game.

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