Customize any WordPress Theme (Part 1) – Understanding style.css, header.php, footer.php

Learn how to customize any WordPress theme by understanding the files that control the themes appearance and structure starting with 3 of the most important files to understand: style.css, header.php, footer.php – Learning how these 3 files construct your WordPress site is the beginning of learning how to customize the appearance and structure of any WP theme into any website you can design.

50 Comments on “Customize any WordPress Theme (Part 1) – Understanding style.css, header.php, footer.php”

  1. Sorry, you lost me at 10 seconds with Wempserver and then removed me with
    localhost. Where? What? How? I am now just burbling incoherently….

  2. Why is (.php) extenstions are used instead of (.html) ones like: header.php
    and footer.php
    Is it just because for having more control over your website later on,
    since PHP pages are extremely dynamic than static html, but needs server to
    What’s the main reason for using it?

  3. The whole reason I use wordpress was to getaway from Dream weaver code ,
    css , php , ect.

  4. Silly question, but how do you bring your wordpress website into
    Dreamweaver, files and folders and all?

  5. I have the same question as travis. I am trying to connect to my wordpress
    theme on my local host via a FTP client called winscp. How do I connect to

  6. the in my script is at the bottom of the header. can I just move it<br /> up?

  7. You rock guy. One of the best tutorials on YT. Thank you for sharing your
    knowledge and making the internet better!

  8. Is there any reason why you must go into Dreamweaver to make your edits, or
    can you just edit it the same way in the dashboard editor for the same
    effect? Trying to see if Dreamweaver is really necessary, since it is

  9. what do I use for the credentials? The host name, username, and password?

  10. Thanks for posting!!
    How else can I change CSS style etc.. without dreamweaver?

  11. I already have a website designed by using WordPress. It was set up by
    someone else, and I am trying to customize the theme slightly; however I am
    running into a problem where in my WordPress profile, under “Appearance” i
    do not have the Edit option… Can anyone tell me why that is? or how I go
    about customizing a theme without this option?… I have 0 experience in
    web design, however, these tutorials are AMAZING!

  12. Great man i love your tutorials please keep it up wirh css & cusrom theme
    child theme Subscripe & Like :)

  13. Wonderful Mike. Excellent tutorial. I learnt more here in the few minutes
    of your video than all the lessons I have applied myself to before. Great

  14. Very good tutorial. But it is better to do what you are doing here with a
    child theme. When you update your wp site on a new version these changes
    will be erased! At the moment of an update your child theme is not affected
    by the update.

  15. Hmm…. Ok, but what is the advantage of using wordpress compared to just
    writing the web page by hand?

  16. This tutorial shouldn’t have come up when I searched for “WordPress
    Beginner CSS” ! What on earth is this “Dreamweaver” stuff…??? I thought
    this was going to be helpful until you brought this “Dreamweaver” into it.
    I don’t have “Dreamweaver” and i’m not interested in learning about it
    while I’m still trying to figure out the WordPress dashboard interface.
    This was a waste of my time and shouldn’t come up as a result when
    searching for WordPress beginner tutorials… 

  17. Thanks for making this so easy. Ive been on here for a month. I’n glad I
    stumbled upon your video. Keep it up. I’m gonna subscribe and give you a
    thumbs up for making my life a bit easier. Kudios

  18. Excellent! Just what I needed to wrap my head around CSS. Ready for the
    next one…!

  19. Customize your WordPress theme easily with CSS Hero! The #WordPress #Theme

  20. This is exactly what I was looking for! I installed a responsive child
    theme and just cannot figure out how to make it look not like a boring
    cookie cutter site. However, if I was to hire someone to do this for me,
    what type of service am I looking for? What do people who do this call
    themselves or advertise themselves as?

  21. Very helpful and easy to follow video. Thank you for taking the time to
    create this!

  22. My site is hosted at – can I still do this customisation?

  23. i have a problem with my widgets overlapping the right part of my page? any

  24. At 5.02 you said “If I left click…”. Did you mean ‘right click’?

  25. Thank you so much for the video ,you are an amazing teacher and a brilliant

  26. Working with WordPress Themes: Customizing style.css, header.php, and
    footer.php files. Clear and well explained lesson.****

  27. This is the most straightforward video I’ve been able to find on this
    subject. Thanks!

  28. How you can customize wordpress if you already have a webiste in host gator
    ? i can ftp my website with dreamweaver

  29. You, sir, are an E-X-C-E-L-L-E-N-T master instructor. Your tone, patience
    and thoroughness are unparalleled. Thank you for presenting this
    information, you rock!

  30. le’t give you a idea , just click in plugin menu in wp then add new plugin
    , search advanced code editor , instal and active , you will be have a
    editor with number , try that , and i hope help =)

  31. Thank you Michael for the tutorial on css. You are a great teacher. Learned
    some great tips. I have a question: what is the css rule that would control
    the content area of wordpress to make it transparent?

  32. this is untruth as the things described here are not in any theme,
    therefore impossible to follow because they don’t exist in other themes,
    title of video is a lie

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