10 Comments on “Elon Musk, CEO and CTO, Space Exploration Technologies Corp (SpaceX), Peter Diamandis, CEO, X Prize Foundation and John Doerr, Venture Capital, Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers”

  1. that interviewer is wasting everyone's time. don't you hate it when the interviewer thinks it's about him and his job is to entertain?

  2. Wow, do you realize that this interview was conducted just ONE WEEK prior to the Falcon 1 Flight 4 that would decide the entire fate of SpaceX. They didn't have the money for a fifth flight, should that fail. What's more, soon America would plunge deep into the worst recession in decades and Tesla, indeed Musk himself, were about to go bankrupt.

    Yet you can't tell any of that from this interview. Elon truly is the Iron Man.

  3. The things we learn while exploring in space will in fact teach us more about our planet.

  4. There is a financial gain from going into space not just in resources but in technology spinoffs that happen when we take on these kinds of huge challenges.
    Many discoveries in the past we did not know how we would benefit from like electricity.
    Quantum physics led to cell phones and everything around you tha you rely on today in terms of tech is a result of a frontier like space exploration. That seems to be hard for some to understand.

  5. Here is an interesting thought: Figure out ways to use materials and elements that don't require the exploitation of rare minerals, limited resources.

    Start there. If Humans are supposed to be so god damn brilliant then do that first.

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