How Lip-Kits made Kylie Jenner a $ Billion startup CEO – A Case Study for Entrepreneurs

The Biz Doc talks about How Lip-Kits made Kylie Jenner a $ Billion startup CEO.

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About the Biz Doc:

THOMAS N. ELLSWORTH, is an experienced CEO / COO and veteran entrepreneur. He has been disrupting industries and driving consumer shifts through Venture-backed companies in technology, software development, publishing and mobile that have generated exits totaling over $1B.

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33 Comments on “How Lip-Kits made Kylie Jenner a $ Billion startup CEO – A Case Study for Entrepreneurs”

  1. A lot of people were upset (slightly jealous) she was featured on the Forbes cover as self made. At the end of the day she capitalised (leveraged) on her fame and social media popularity to create this lucrative business. If you look at majority of the Technology founders a lot of them are white males, from elite establishments and middle class families. They took advantage of their privilege and created something amazing. We don't choose our families and environment but it's up to us to work with what we have and make something with it. Some start with a lot, some start with very little but regardless action is required in order to succeed. There are countless rich kids who are useless she actually took advantage of her wealth. She deserves recognition and respect even if she has a team of advisors making all the decisions at the end of the day she cultivated her social media followers she didn't inherit them. A lot of you watching this have the privilege of Internet connection which is a huge advantage over the millions who don't even have running water. So stop complaining and start today with whatever you have. The world don't care about your problems it only respects your accomplishments.

  2. Can you please make one video on business model of Reliance JIO.
    How they started tariff war 2 years ago which is still going. making base of 240 million customers in Short time.
    Same analysis of Valuation and revenue of company.

  3. Shes definitely a billionaire. Doesnt matter how famous you are. If you're going to sell 420 million dollars worth of products you deserve it.

  4. I agree. She figured out outsourcing, keeps marketing costs low, has the products shipped directly to retailers and only has 12 employees that she actually pays. She figured out a great formula and it is working.

  5. While not the best business case study because of the subject, it still makes one really think and provides useful data comparing technology and beauty brands. Thank you for your videos, they always make the lightbulb above my head light up 😀

  6. Hello Tom! glad to watch the case study on Krispy Kreme, I remember I suggested that one on 2016 🙂 So here's one more, mayb it's an odd one: PINTRILL (enamel pins company based in NY)

  7. She sold herself by altering her appearance for Instagram followers..which she then used for marketing let's be honest without the surgery her following would be around 10million and her business would have failed

  8. I like the message behind this. People like to make excuses and think if they were born into fame or fortune that they could create a billion dollar business no problem, yeah okay.
    Trump gets a lot of heat for this too since his dad was a successful real estate entrepreneur, but he managed to take a million or so he says and turned it into a multi billion dollar dynasty. Fuck you if you think you can do that if you had a million dollars, because if you could then I’m sure you would have a million dollars already.

  9. Tom you or PBD should look at meeting with Sean Cannell of Thinkmedia and Video influences when he is in Dallas soon for a social media confrence. That would help people find out about valuetainment and how influences can learn about how to be a business

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