19 Comments on “Javascript Tutorial – Programming Tutorial for Beginners Pt 1”

  1. how do you get javascript to work in sublime it seems it doesnt support it
    and all the tutorials ive seen do not work for me

  2. This video is great. I started leaning obj-c and thought, “hey learn
    javascript too”. If your video was hd this would be the best tutorial

  3. Good tutorial but I would zoom in a bit farther so your audience can
    actually see the content you are teaching.

  4. hello mate i tried at first and it worked but when i tried it again it said
    string is not a function, wat do i do?

  5. i love how you teach javascript in chrome console 😀 excelent lesson thanks

  6. Hi will its a great tutorial. but i can’t see what you typing on.. it’s
    better to see it clearly. keep it up will!

  7. Nice explanation. Thanks. I have seen some other videos of javascript. this
    is one of the easiest to understand for anyone

  8. Thanks for simplifying this stuff Will. There’s so much stuff out there
    that seems to overcomplicate programming for beginners. Great tutorial!
    Look forward to more!

  9. Hello, I know how to write java.. I’m very advanced.. I hear you can put
    java onto facebook to make it do what you want.. How does this work 

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