Lifehacker – Programming! Learn the Basics of Coding, How to Pick a Language a Project, and More!

This week on Lifehacker, we’re all about programming. We’ll help show you some of the basics of coding, as well as how to pick a language, a first project, a…

46 Comments on “Lifehacker – Programming! Learn the Basics of Coding, How to Pick a Language a Project, and More!”

  1. I have to agree that this is a very good tutorial for beginners. I already
    knew this, and since I’ve been into coding (not to mention gone to school
    for it) for several years, I’ve seen many videos on it. This is by far the
    best one. Anyone with even a little interest in coding should take the 10
    minutes and watch this.

  2. This is the very very bestest everest lesson on the concepts of
    I’m learning Java in college, so i already know all this. I’ve seen a
    million “basics of programming” videos, this part is the very best!

  3. CodeAcademy teaches you just enough code to do nothing. Literally. I’m a CS
    major and tons of freshman come and think it will teach you everything you
    need to know. Don’t get me wrong, it really is a great place to start. But
    don’t expect to making full fledged games, apps, etc. It really teaches
    just enough so that you can read that particular language. 

  4. *Lifehacker basics*

    Since I think coding will soon blow up. I thought maybe sharing this
    lifehacker video. It contains the basics of coding in javascript. Im
    really green to coding but, i thought to myself is Wil.Iam is learning.
    So could I.

  5. He made an error in the code at 4:14 it is supposed to be myName + ” ” +
    myStatement + ” ” + myFavoriteNumber +”.”;
    instead of myName + ” ” + myStatement + ” ” myFavoriteNumber +”.”
    Did you spot the error?

  6. I started with Codeacademy for learning programming. Its a very good
    source. I high recommend anyone who is serious about coding to start there
    as well.

  7. i am 16 and i know some of the basics in c++ and HTML .If you want a good
    teacher that is also funny look up Thenewboston. you can find many
    languages there.

  8. And you are born with it my friend. Just the fact that you are asking about
    learning indicates you will probably be good at it.

  9. YouTube originally used PHP but switched to Python and Twitter was written
    with Rails, actually.

  10. Does anybody know which language I should use if I want to make a very
    basic version of cleverbot

  11. Can i start learning how to program at 16 ? Everyone around me says is
    something that your born with .

  12. The only website you listed that uses PHP is Facbook, and even that website
    relies heavily on C++. Twitter was uses Rails and Scala, and YouTube uses
    Python. PHP isn’t a terrible language, but there is also a reason many
    websites don’t use it.

  13. I’d like Common Lisp back in the public eye. I’ve tried my hand at a few
    languages but I’ve not found anything quite so expressive. I never was able
    to get into the web programming languages. Requiring a browser to run a
    program just seems odd to me.

  14. well done. But seriously, get your head into lambda calculus if you want to
    understand it deeply. I thought I had it sussed when I learned 8086 machine
    code, but binary is so old fashioned. Unary is where the real action takes
    place. Even God himself can be decompiled with lambda, thats how hardcore
    it is.

  15. ok have a gold star… and html and css aren’t technically programming,
    they’re web design and formatting

  16. LOL , he will try to steal somemoney From U xD … its Fake you pay and you
    wont get anything as it says =)) !!

  17. Codecademy is a legitimate site, just run a google check for it if you’re
    skeptical. It’s actually quite an excellent tool for learning to code. Also
    the spelling I have is correct, the spelling in the original comment is

  18. I was checking to see if it was in fact a bot, If I would’ve been replied
    to in a certain manner, that would help me discern if it in fact was just a
    bot or not. Do you really think i did it just for the sake of comedy?

  19. While its great that PHP existed it really should be discontinued. There
    are so many better options out there. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate
    where PHP has taken us and its possible to do a lot of cool things with it
    but its not the best tool available any more.

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