Object Oriented Programming through Java – Part 1

This video is part 1 of a series of lessons on Object Oriented Programming through Java. This part explains the basic object oriented programming (OOPS) concepts such as Object, Class, Encapsulation, Abstraction etc. The illustration assumes no prior knowledge in this area. Your feedback is much appreciated which will help improve future videos. Have a great day!

39 Comments on “Object Oriented Programming through Java – Part 1”

  1. Thank you proffessor! Please don’t quit I learned fast because of this
    please continue to teach us

  2. it’s wonderful to see and understand the concept please give some more idea
    about java through tutorial, i’m eagerly waiting for that

  3. Thanks! Examples illustrated here are simple and awesome.
    OOPs had been an alien term to me until I found this Video. Keep uploading
    these kinda videos,…please!!

  4. Excellent ………………. 🙂

    I want your java full video Course…………..plzzzzzzz uploade

  5. excellent description. you throughly clear my mind about OO programing..
    good job thanks

  6. videos are too simple and clear to understand, please continue posting,
    love to wait for upcoming videos

  7. Thanks for giving a very simple and clear understanding on OOP concept.
    Waiting for next series……

  8. awesome video man, you got my thumbs up! helped me a lot with a college
    java class that’s online, which I regret taking online now. Face to face
    classes from now on! Thanks and keep up the great work

  9. this is the best explanation on Object Oriented Programming…i have ever
    seen..good job…keep it up…Waiting for more.!

  10. this was one of the best video for oop in YouTube, thanks very much, i am
    in my final yr IT and i was confused what oop is until i saw this video. no
    classes no textbooks can teach in a better way you did. Thanks again.
    please bring in more videos about other basic concepts. -maulik

  11. somebodyelsesLion LOL…. Poor Victoria… Driving Nissan 🙁 Getting m y
    Thumbs up this video…. what happened y no more videos?

  12. Definitely the best explanation of OOP! Your description on command
    programming of java compiler and use of eclipse is also excellent. A
    question: how do you get keywords in color on eclipse?

  13. I learned so much and understood basics of OO with this 15 minute video
    that I could not understand in my one day long class yesterday. Great pace
    and clarity. THANK YOU SO VERY VERY MUCH! I hope to find more videos
    following this lesson.

  14. nice video. where is rest of the part of the series? do you have plan to
    continue with this series?

  15. very good tutorial and very simple to understand I have seen many tutorial
    this is the best

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