Peter Sage – Extreme Entrepreneur | London Real

Peter Sage is an Extreme Entrepreneur & Inspirational Speaker WheyBetter Protein 15% Off Code”LondonReal” Bulletproof Coffee http://bit.l…

30 Comments on “Peter Sage – Extreme Entrepreneur | London Real”

  1. I have to admit I didn’t think I would like this interview. Why? I just
    find alot of these guys over bearing and their solutions impractical. But I
    liked Peter Sage (That wise old Sage). He doesn’t just talk the talk, he
    really does walk the walk. Great show Brian. Dublin Real crew.

  2. Bodybuilder, Serial Entrepreneur, Motivational Speaker this guy will change
    your entire outlook on your life and the path your on! #powerful #motivation
    #livebetter #makeachange 

  3. Even though I’m usually sceptic of entrepeneurs and business moguls
    engaging in stoic philosophy, forgetting their privileged position to make
    such utterances, I think Sage isn’t this sort of thirteen dozen capitalist
    Buddhists. I notice he’s not a sociopathic “profit first” type feigning
    mindfulness and genuinely embraces what he says. I liked this a lot more
    than I thought I would. Great job again Brian!

  4. And no. I don’t necessarily need a new peer group to upgrade my life. If
    you accept the responsebilty for your own life, you don’t need others to
    keep you going. Having said that, having the right peer group most
    certainly won’t hurt. But it’s just an add-on in my opinion.

  5. I have watched loads of London Real episodes but this must have been up
    there as one of the best…. I second what the other comment said, with the
    3rd guy in the room it depends a lot on the person, I think with Nic it
    works well as he is a good interviewer too and chilled out like yourself
    but some of the others needed time to develop etc…

  6. Brilliant, another great guest. For me in terms of presentation this is the
    best episode, Brian is becoming a better interviewer with each episode. The
    problem with the guest interviewer is that they have the constant need to
    add value and consequently take the focus off the guest. Having said that I
    miss Nic. But more one and one episodes please. Good job.

  7. Thanks so much for this interview, Brian and Peter. So much wisdom here.
    And the questions are great. Brian, I what really comes across is that you
    have a genuine love and respect for your guests, and care passionately
    about the subject matters. As someone else noted, you listen really well,
    and what greater compliment can you give a guest – and your audience?

    What makes this show special is that you are not scared to expand beyond
    the standard mental/motivational approach to explore the deeper spiritual
    and existential questions. Keep up the great work!

  8. Great episode. I loved the idea of TO ME, BY ME, THROUGH ME.. etc. Very
    validating for where Im at in my own process. I just wish he hadn’t
    finished with the cheesy cliched personal development like “Stay Amazing”..
    made me cringe. What happened to Nic?

  9. I never heard of Peter safe before this interview, but i can honestly say
    he blew my mind. This interview is a game changer for me. Life will never
    be the same. My future self says thank you London Real.

  10. thank you brian for putting the effort to constantly improve london real,
    really loved the talk i learned alot the past hour. am fortunate that i
    chose to watch this podcast because i usally dont watch episodes if its not
    something i can relate to but still i chose to take a look and i loved it!

  11. Hi Brian, great interview, always love the show. Thank you for your efforts
    in bringing these great guests in to share and teach so many who watch or
    listen in. Just wondered, have you ever read Psychocybernetics by Maxwell
    Maltz? This book changed my life, my bible. A lot of the stuff Peter was
    talking about relates to stuff in this book. If you haven’t it’s simply
    fantastic. All the best.

  12. At the very beginning, before Brian even mention Tony Robbins, when I saw
    Peter Sage speaking I could clearly see that Peter Sage is a Tony Robbins
    wannabe. And Tony Robbins is a lightweight mind and his following of people
    have far more lightweight minds.

    Read books people, look into history, create, live travel and learn. You
    don’t need such charlatans in your lives.And just because they have money
    doesn’t make them clever.

    I really like London Real, a big fan, and i’m born and raised in London,
    but now this.

    Please Brian, no more overly tanned clones of douchebags.


  13. I enjoyed this episode with the very articulate, worldly, and insightful
    Peter Sage.

    Side note: Brian shared his story attending Super Camp in San Diego when
    he was 10 years old. Bobbi de Porter, the founder of Super Camp came up
    with her concept shortly before then at another event in the San Diego
    County town of Ramona, where I met her in 1980. Super Camp, San Diego,
    Tony Robbins…a great blast from the past, Brian.

  14. Its a result of dickheads like this that the world is so screwed up, what a
    load of bollocks. Giving the impressionable false hope and at the expense
    of others, this crap should be banned or exposed at least for the bullshit
    it is.

  15. ok, just watched the first 5 mins, but i’m gonna try listening to it all,
    This guy is an amazing speaker and so much of what he says just gels with
    me so much

  16. It’s all a lot of repeated stuff. Half way through and I’m thinking “Is he
    actually in the room with the guy?” And he fancies himself.

  17. Very good talk! Had my notebook out for this one. I’ll have to rewatch this
    from time to time just to remind and review myself. 

  18. Best interview yet… UNBELIEVABLE amount of pure brilliance. I’ll be
    saving this and watching over and over. Thank you!

  19. Excellent guys!
    Love the synergy examples like this between spirituality and business. It’s
    real…..freakin love it

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