49 Comments on “Programming of Life”

  1. I thought there was something fishy about the narrator at the beginning.
    There may be value in their point of view, but they should state it at the
    start. I feel like I’ve been deceived. Like they’re trying to put something
    over on me.

  2. Mixing up evolution and abiogenesis, then parading around like this is in
    any scientific is dishonest and a breach of a commandment. 

  3. There may be a lot we don’t know, but the fact we arose from lower species
    isn’t one of them. We know that as being solid and scientifically proven.
    At the end of the doc., each time the narrator mentioned the ‘flaws’ of
    science they showed the iconic diagram of the ape evolving into a man.
    It’d subtle, but it’s a cunning little brain washing tool. Like what
    advertising is always doing. Watch this with open eyes!

  4. Programming of Life (video 44min microbiology, information science, & the
    origin of life) 

  5. Information Science meets Biology (this video gives some real needed
    perspective – very interesting):

  6. Programming of Life (video 44min microbiology, information science, & the
    origin of life) 

  7. Nah, don’t be fooled into this one.

    These are the closing words [quote]:

    “The possibility of life evolving using the known laws of chemistry and
    physics is operationally impossible. Meaningful prescriptive information
    can not arise from nothing no matter how much time you allow. And until we
    acknowledge this we will never discover the origin of life.”

    Here’s my response: You Creationists need to stop knowing the answer before
    you even ask the question, or you will never, ever contribute anything to
    the knowledge of human kind. Evolution is a fact. Abiogenesis something
    different and not to be mixed up. This is no more than a hit job on science
    in disguise, shame on you!

  8. I witness there is no god but Allah… the one and only and the
    Al-Mighty… the Creator and Sustainer of all creatures

  9. This is by far the most eye-opening presentation/video I have ever watched
    concerning the origin of life. I always believed that the theory of
    evolution could not have been true. Not because I didn’t want to be
    associated with Monkeys or let alone, a single-celled organism or simple
    celled organisms. I always believed that there is a far more intelligent
    source of information that commanded the formation of life to the DNA
    level. and you are correct, until we free ourselves from the ‘pre-arranged
    knowledge, then it is not science”. This for me is a proof that there is
    really a superior source of the information carried out in the DNA which
    formed each individual living thing on the planet. And until science
    discovers otherwise, I would rather believe that the source of life is God
    and that we did not come from the ape. and until science discovers the
    truth-whatever else it is other than GOD’s existence, Ill stick to that
    faith.. 🙂 But I’d like to keep an open mind..

  10. If one assumes that nature is created this only shifts the problem to the
    question: and how did that, that created life, come into existence? Where
    did the information needed to be able to create life come from?

    Science works with a model of reality and calculations about probability
    are done within that model. For example: In Newton’s model there is no
    relativity so relativistic processes do not exist or are impossible. This
    was because his model was not complete. Einstein’s model was better, but it
    did not work well on a sub atomic level. So it was impossible for example
    to have one particle going through 2 slits and after that interfering with
    itself. Of course, in the quantum mechanical model, this is possible. So
    what is impossible in one model, can be possible in another.

  11. An exploration of microbiology, information science, and the origin of

  12. Dear Christians. want to suggest different tact rather than evolution vs
    creation from God which many do not view as in conflict. . . Materialism vs
    Spirituality, where materialism is the outlook that everything comes from
    dirt, dead matter, and Spirituality is the outlook that everthing comes
    from the supreme consciousness or GOD.. As we think we become like that. P
    of Life is well directed, but why not create something that boldly expands
    peoples minds using science to support the idea of the most subtle entity,
    how intelligent people come to realize GOD, how most people on earth
    realize his existence. Why not make video that is truely universal and
    resonates with all people on earth that have a relationship with God, one
    that unifies all people and guides their minds back to appreciation of
    their creator, irrespective of creed or denomincation. Guiding peoples
    minds back to their source, such a work would create great unity in this
    world, and most importantly make the big guy happy. . . i enjoyed P of Life
    mainly because of the 3d biology models (the reason i watched it). it does
    not change my view on evolution, but ironically i would guess that most
    people that believe in evolution also believe in GOD. Thats why i find
    Creationism vs Evolution so very irrelevant even though i commend the video
    as being well directed.. . . . . . does this video promote Materialism or
    Spirituality more? Well thats an interesting one because obviously made by
    spiritually minded people, but it does talk more in terms of machines,
    programs and objective sceince. The ironic thing is that you cant prove the
    existence of a SUBJECTIVE entity via OBJECTIVE science. God touches us
    SUBJECTIVELY and PERSONALLY and that is how we build and relationship with
    him and fall in SUBJECTIVE love with Him as the source of life and
    vitality. Conversely it is often seen that the more you guide people
    objectively, the more the mind becomes engaged with the external objects,
    and less engaged with the inner hearts relationship with loving God. hp[e
    some of that makes sense.

  13. amazing!! exposure of correlation between the information science and the
    biological science. But I think people should stop accepting the so-called
    scientific facts on their face value.
    For example;
    Where did this video makers get such improbable number that deems evolution
    impossible? – We are accepting their claim on the face value same as the
    evolution biology. We won’t be able to know what is right either Darwinism
    or something else until we collect the evidence ourselves or at least
    verify the previously collected evidence by numerous scientists.
    A debate either of scientific or of any other kind does not provide right
    answer until the evidences are collected and reviewed rigorously
    (otherwise, it remains an ongoing debate).
    Hopefully, the advances in computer science will reveal more about the life
    and give the normal people the aids to make informed decisions about the
    scientific claims. 

  14. One of the best documentaries I’ve seen on the complexity of the cell and

  15. Computers require instructions. This video explores the programming
    required for life.

  16. evolution is for idiots. Natural selection only works if random mutations
    can deliver working biological solutions TO be selected, but hey guess what
    random mutations deliver mutants, less fit organisms or non-inheritable

  17. This video puts some of the current views of the ID movement forward in a
    clear and concise way. Well done! I’m sure people would love to fight over
    the decimal points in the probabilities but if you want to argue it has a
    hidden message and it is trying to mislead you I’d say you suffer
    from paranoia. There is no hidden message. The message is pretty clear even
    from the title. Evolution fails to explain life because the God of natural
    selection has no cloths. Sounds about right to me.

  18. I liked the video. I’m not a religious guy, but I thought it an
    interesting take. I think the more we learn about our universe, the more
    we think about our universe. It’s all good.

  19. Cheat! – they only ran the probability theorem as far as the observable
    universe. The non-observable universe? The multi-verse? We have no idea
    what’s out there beyond that. Hell, I don’t think infinity has been ruled
    out yet so yeah, double those humongous exponents for probability if you
    like and it’s still bound to happen eventually! If the universe is even a
    quarter as big as it might be, It’s functionally inevitable.

    Or maybe there’s some god-based scenario going on, riddle me this – where
    did god come from? One that didn’t happen by evolution? How much less
    likely on a scale of 10 to the number of decimal places of Pi is the idea
    that an all powerful creator suddenly sprang into existence, fully formed
    and fully conscious and fully capable of just making a universe appear?
    Simple probability theory – it’s more probable that it just happened by
    accident than there was thinking behind it.

    Here’s the deal – the universe selects for complexity. Get over it.

  20. The chances of me finding this video were probably smaller for me .. and
    you.. the reader that just stumbled upon this video had more chances of
    finding it 🙂 yet you found it .. Congratulations. I’m gonna loose myself
    into this “chaos ” of youtube videos =) Gl with that

  21. Deoxyribonucleic acid, billions of micro chips with a single characteristic
    structure of which sustaining Information for a life time.

  22. Whoa! You got me and hello.
    Please tone down the anti-evolution rheutoric at the end. It is
    unforturnate that the message got hi-jacked.

  23. So sneaky and manipulative.. Your probability calculations are a joke, and
    your explanation of Shannon information is just as good a joke.. 

  24. This is a well-produced video showing how Information Science absolutely
    devastates materialistic models of life’s origin:

  25. The information addressed in this video is completely inadequate to address
    the question of the origin of life.

    The Narrator only goes over the basics of biology and from that tries to
    discredit evolution (yes we all saw the graphics in the background) which
    has nothing to do with the explanation of origin of life (hence why Darwin
    entitled his publication ORIGIN OF SPECIES).

    The malformed use of probability in this “Documentary” is startling too.
    Any Mathematician watching would wonder why he’s forgotten “Infinity”,
    which is an important concept, fundamental to mathematics. As vast as the
    enumerated unlikelihood of our evolution is, its a far cry from infinity.

    Black holes have a gravitational mass of infinity and they are as real and
    as essential to the possibility of life evolving in a galaxy as they are to
    destroying galaxies. Physicists are currently theorising on whether
    time/space itself ever DIDN’T exist at all (It has always existed). So when
    you have infinite time and objects with infinite characteristics. You can
    see that the number the narrator presents is relatively meaningless.

    Plus when you consider multi-verse theory, three dimensional time,
    super-symmetry. You are pointed to the clear notion that ‘what and where we
    are’ makes up only smallest, tiniest portion of ‘what actually is’.

    So to sum. Biology alone cannot explain the orgin’s of life (nor does it
    attempt to). Probability is relative and we don’t yet know enough about
    ‘reality’ to explain ‘life’.

    Yet. Always remember yet.

  26. This guy seems to have confused evolution with abiogenesis, if you’re going
    to make a documentary trying to disprove something at least get to know
    what you’re trying to disprove. Evolution explains the diversity of life,
    nothing to do with the origins, and is a proven scientific fact with an
    abundance of evidence. 

  27. Well, this video shows why evolutionists avoid information science and
    probability science , which is not scientific way to prove evolution
    In other words: evolutionists say Chans was responsible for the formation
    of big bang, atom, basic physical powers, DNA, living organisms,
    intelligent life. CHANS.
    The question is: CHANS is not science. Information and probability science
    show that this CHANS is impossible. 

  28. What is the probability of a simple cell evolving by undirected natual
    processes? Watch just the 35th minute of that video. It’s absolutely
    mind-boggling 😉 Programming of Life

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