Steve Blank: The Democratization of Entrepreneurship

Part of the annual GSB Entrepreneurship Conference. As traditional barriers to scale erode, product life cycles compress, and the costs of starting a busines…

8 Comments on “Steve Blank: The Democratization of Entrepreneurship”

  1. So so much cheaper and more efficient than attending Stanford. A million
    thanks for this!

  2. As traditional barriers to scale erode, product life cycles compress, and
    the costs of starting a business fall, the opportunities for
    entrepreneurship have expanded. Steve Blank, the author of “Four Steps to
    the Ephiphany” and leading advocate for the “Customer Development” model of
    entrepreneurship, focuses on the new opportunities and challenges in a
    world in which entrepreneurship has become democratized. Thank you for
    sharing Denner

  3. Grateful that you guys are uploading these vids. A commoner like myself can
    run with them. Thank you.

  4. closed captions – 19:17, and 19:24, not “Miguel” park, it’s “Menlo” Park;
    26:54, not “return”, it’s “portfolio”; 31:26. not “market”, it’s “model”;
    39:33, “inaudible” is “pubs” as in publications; 40:05, “inaudible” is
    “iterative” 40:45, not “product”, it’s “start-up”; 51:37, not “cognizant
    dissidence”, it’s “cognitive dissonance”; There are others, I didn’t catch
    them all. Thank you for posting.

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