The Dreyer’s Ice Cream Success Story! A Case Study for Entrepreneurs

Subscribe to Valuetainment: Dreyers Case Study for Entrepreneurs- The Biz Doc, Tom Ellsworth dives into case study #3 with a lesson on planning and management. This lesson is derived from a legendary, ice cream maker called Dreyers Ice Cream.

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About Tom Ellsworth: THOMAS N. ELLSWORTH, is an experienced CEO / COO and veteran entrepreneur. He has been disrupting industries and driving consumer shifts through Venture-backed companies in technology, software development, publishing and mobile that have generated exits totaling over $1B. Watch the interview with Patrick Bet-David:

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About Dreyers Ice Cream: Dreyer’s Grand Ice Cream Holdings, Inc., a subsidiary of Nestlé, is a United States-based producer of ice cream and frozen yogurt founded in 1928 as Edy’s Grand Ice Cream in Oakland, California by Joseph Edy and William Dreyer.

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23 Comments on “The Dreyer’s Ice Cream Success Story! A Case Study for Entrepreneurs”

  1. Establishing a charter (a formal statement of the rights of a country's people, or of an organization or a particular social group, that is agreed by or demanded from a ruler or government.) or a set of foundational principals for your company will help you through the tough times.

  2. "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry". Cling to your roots when things get hard. Keep you standards high to run a great organization.

  3. dreyers 1928 founded in oakland (wikipipediA) breyers 1908 founded in philadelphia . breyers ice cream and dreyers ice cream are two different companies but sound similar . thanks for the video

  4. you mean wiliam breyer i think you guys confused the two companies breyer and dreyer both sell ice cream but are different companies

  5. I have a craft beer e-commerce from Brazil, and already watched your cases from Amazon, Yellow Tail and Dreyers. They were really inspiring and gave me some insights to my business. You certain have left me better than you found me. Thanks for that.

  6. your plan isnt set to stone you have to adapt

    character/culture in the business may lead to success
    (so set up guildlines note its standards not rules u must follow)
    ex:face to face communication

    if u not competing with anyone compete with yourself

  7. This case study taught me a lot about driving against the norm of screwing your employees and treating your customers like you would want your boss to treat you but I do feel the second half where they succeed could have been more detailed

  8. Great break down, OK the owners ended up walking away rich, this is a good thing. What happened to all of the devoted employees. They all kept there jobs, or pink slips. Kinda need to know this side of the story. Or you dont actually have the whole story. But hey they are just employees.

  9. employees stood by them but when the moment of truth came, they sold the company to a much shitty company, management pocketed the 2.4B and the employees got jackshit

  10. Could you please tell me why Dean Food have not go anywhere. I got my money invested in DF, but it had been nose drive for the last 3 years. I am so disappointed with DF.

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