27 Comments on “The Go Programming Language”

  1. After reading about Go the other day I decided to take a closer look at it,
    and it actually seems very powerful, particularly the concurrency stuff. 

  2. I don’t know what I expected out of Go, but it’s definitely far more
    interesting that I did expect.

  3. *Some more Go resources*

    In the past I’ve posted a couple of resources for people wanting to learn
    the Go programming language. Here are some more that I’ve found pretty

    The Go Programming Language:
    This is the video that wowed me and made me want to learn the language.
    It’s a Google Tech Talk, and was one of the first presentations on the
    language by Rob Pike, so it’s a little dated and the structure of the
    language has changed in some parts, but it’s still largely relevant.

    Writing, building, installing, and testing Go code:
    This video introduces you to the powerful Go build system, and shows you
    how to set up a working environment to write your code in.

    *Go at Google*: http://talks.golang.org/2012/splash.slide
    A presentation discussing how and why Google use Go internally. It
    describes the motivations behind different features of the language, and
    the problems that they were trying to solve when designing it.

    Everyone learns differently, but for someone coming from a C or C++
    background, I highly recommend watching the Google Tech Talk by Rob Pike,
    and reading through the introductions on golang.org, then just diving in
    and writing some code. After that, read through ‘Effective Go’ on golang.org
    to learn idiomatic Go, and the key differences between Go and C.

  4. forced formatting is bullshit
    i hate python for it
    now i guess i hate go for it
    uppercase public my ass

  5. Overview of some of the syntax and features of the Go programming language.
    Very fast compilation, type safety, and garbage collection — all delivered
    within 10 – 20% of C’s performance!

  6. Google Talks about The Go Programming Language….check our our new
    Addison-Wesley books on the topic.

  7. After much deliberation, I would wager on Rust (as opposed to D, and Go) as
    a potential systems level programming language for the future. I’m just
    waiting for v1.0 to be released before getting my hands dirty!

  8. Ok, if you’re going to keep being so obtuse about it, I’m going to say one
    more thing about the subject of garbage collection in C++, and then I’m not
    going to continue this pointless discussion. Because of the stupid YT char
    limit, my response is in my next reply comment. (Turns out I’m slightly
    wrong, btw, C++ does not REQUIRE a garbage collector. But it allows one,
    and I believe it is standard implementation.)

  9. I try java often. only in some particular cases do such claims hold true
    and in no real-world apps i have seen, could the case be made it couldnt
    have been made faster in c

  10. What are you talking about? Many years ago a fine new language was called
    Simula which was compiled – not interpreted – and it had garbage
    collection. Go is in that same tradition. Saying there’s no such thing at a
    presentation of such a very thing seems kinda silly to me.

  11. I would have thought that we are in an age where each line of code doesn’t
    have to end with a semi-colon to be parsed. Come on.

  12. There are others language more productives than C/C++, but C/C++ is faster,
    OK Google folks have to make up a revolutionary garbage collector, to
    achieve what they promised….

  13. No, real men write it to their SSD with the world’s smallest jumper cables.

  14. It’s all lies. LIES & LIES. They just wanted free human capital!
    programming languages? really or label to recall database of math
    functions? Are there such things as patent on math equations? Who invented
    the quadratic equation, did he get pay? So the advancement of civilization
    still depend on the math scholars. Like ancient Greece, only to be known if
    they teach or it were stolen/object of conquerors.

  15. I do I have to point out AGAIN that one of the two guys who created Go
    happens to have also been one of the two guys who invented C? Every single
    programmer in commenting on this thread added together into one Megazord
    programmer would not have one percent of the programming skills of Ken
    Thompson. Quit trying pretend you know more than he does. You don’t.

  16. Concurrency is the way to go! IMO, Go’s syntax should be more like CSP’s.
    It is hard to see the composition of processes. What about interruption?
    That would be an interesting feature. The other thing I thing is missing is
    the possibility to do some type of model or refinement checking … it is
    possible, just look at FDR and SPIN. 😉 Good job!

  17. And I suppose the margin here is too small to hold your proof. Thanks for
    that, Fermat.

  18. It looks like this is pretty good choice for server development. It has
    many of the features that I liked in Python, and gives the extra bit of
    control that you don’t get from Python.

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