Thought leadership- All you need to know about it


Story by: Prashant Sharma TechPluto






Nowadays the word "Thought Leadership" buzzes in the corporate world. However, people have yet to reach their full potential. To put it simply, thought leadership means leading your team to make the right decisions.

A thought leader does not actually emerge overnight. It takes a lot of hard work and perseverance to establish yourself as a trustworthy person in your field. To elaborate, thought leadership is a subset of content marketing. To show your authority on any subject, you need to do careful research at all levels.

Here we explain the meaning of thought leadership to you in detail. Use this information and gain a foothold in the already competitive branch.

What is thought leadership?

First we have to understand what thought leadership is. A simple thought leadership definition can be “a form of content marketing where you can find talent and experience in your company. This means that you use the expertise of your team to find answers to customer questions. ”

However, there is confusion among team members about how to proceed. Most executives consider a unique point of view to be the ultimate resort. They want to present their company in such a way that it offers unique answers. The truth, however, is that customers only want the answers to their questions.

It makes sense to differentiate the content only if it is necessary. Use visual design to make a unique impression. Most of the time, try to become an authoritative figure and help customers. Offer them a different type of content every day.

There are people who regard thought leadership as useless jargon. You shouldn't give in to the trap. Think of it as an innovative approach to letting your customers know what you know.

Advantages of Thought Leadership

Even today, not everyone is aware of what thought leadership means and what potential it has. But the value a company gets from having a thought leader is more than they can imagine. Here are some of the benefits you will gain by using the thought leader approach.

At the height of competition it is difficult to show the world your exclusivity. With the Thought Leader, thought firms are breaking the mess and offering unique services. With the right combination of project and customer, thought leaders have an advantage over almost 80% of their competitors. If you are one of the few who have mastered the concept, you will attract attention and get enough customers.

Marketing your services is a tedious task. Having and maintaining a thought leadership position ensures you get a safe place in the customer's mind. To be a thought leader offers a unique selling point that no one can replicate.

This in turn benefits your company internally and externally. Customers associate your brand with great ideas and forward-looking concepts. The employees remain satisfied because their workplace is creatively satisfying.

It goes without saying that you, as a thought leader, are working in your favor. Most thought leaders end up getting more and more satisfying work than their competitors. Companies that have a broad portfolio of services benefit to the maximum.

Experts advertise and sell the services of almost all of their departments with ease. Your leadership role gives you the independence to play with the market.

Thought Leadership not only increases your sales, but also multiplies your profits. Increasing profitability works on two levels – creating higher margins and increasing internal efficiency. Companies lose money because they tend to underestimate their know-how.

In addition, their operating systems are inefficient and prone to errors. When companies create a thought leader, they also learn value-based pricing tactics. Acquiring new customers is quite time consuming. By establishing themselves as leaders, companies strengthen their position as key personalities.

Better offers through innovation and development

Thought leaders try their best to stay at the forefront of graphics. Of course, they have to find ways to turn their ideas into reality. This passion leads them to offer high quality services aimed at excellence.

The pursuit of a leadership position leads to innovations in work. This later leads to better customer benefit.

Guidance could be valuable to the brand that maintains it. Having a thought leader at your base is an asset that companies value. Many companies have seen the effects of having a leader at the top. The results were surprising as stock and brand value grew at double digits.

Nobody can predict which pace the market will choose. Sometimes the recession strikes when you least expect it. In such circumstances, it helps to follow the principles of thought leadership.

The company needs a new approach In such bad economic conditions. Individuals who have established themselves as thought leaders are most likely not going to bear the brunt of the burden. Because they are full of ideas, companies want to keep them. Even if the leader has to give up the company, it is easy for him to end up with another option.

Some thought leaders feel successful. You are not just driven by the monetary benefits on offer. Instead, they work on a passion that compels them to work hard and achieve their goals. Giving professionals the opportunity to develop creative talent increases productivity. In most cases it is a situation that works best for the company and the employee.

How to Create and Build a Thought Leadership Strategy

When we talk about what a thought leadership definition is, the first focus we put on is the content. Well-designed content usually plays a crucial role. It helps you build relationships and reach a wider customer base. Most of the time, you have to try to prove your credibility, which takes time and planning. Your content should be exclusive and correspond to the strategy of proving yourself as a manager.

The best thought leadership strategies help and maintain your audience trust. Using a variety of content will have a cumulative impact on increasing your brand awareness. Here are some steps to start building a thought leadership strategy:

Understand How to Build Trust

Everyone has a goal, and your audience understands it too. Exceed their expectations by offering them something out of the ordinary. When you share your insights with them, the audience will start to believe in you. Leave aside the need to promote your brand with them. Instead, focus on delivering real value to customers that they would benefit from.

Providing content that provides valuable information on the topics of interest. When your content teaches, entertains, or educates them something useful, your job is done. People don't want lectures about why they should trust them; they need proof and one has to work on it.

At this point you have to define your subject. Instead of focusing on the entire industry, just pick a specific niche to work on. Creating useless content for a variety of topics doesn't work. Instead, just create knowledge-based content for the niche you focus on.

Once you have chosen your area of ​​expertise, building your brand becomes child's play. And when you focus your energy on a topic, you give it a sense of credibility.

Before you formulate your strategy, you need to understand your audience. As a brand, you must have done that to some extent. All you need to do is streamline and align your thought leadership plans accordingly. Identify the personality of your brand and work on synchronizing the two.

Your competitors don't sit around idly. You also work endlessly on thought leadership. It helps if you keep your eyes and ears open about this. Be aware of their plans and strategies to avoid duplication on your part. Of course, your competitors will not explore all of the advertising options. You can work on these gaps.

They also need to find places to post their content. There is no point in logging into your content there as well. However, you can always check for deadlines waiting to be filled.

Creating content to create an experience

You have now recognized the importance of convincing content in this situation. You need to develop certain types of content in order to work at different points in your relationship. The aim here is to win new customers through the content.

Your company's blog can be excellent; However, focus on content outside of the website as well. Getting links through guest posts or mentions in the press are great ideas for doing this. Once you know you have their attention, keep adding value by providing the content.

You could work on blog posts, videos, case studies, and e-books, anything that highlights your position as a leader. But all of your content will be lost if it is not further shared. Use your social media accounts and email newsletters to keep audiences informed of your activity.

Using content

Even though you have created content, you need to use its potential. Discover your most valuable contacts and share your content with them. Surround the brand with exclusive and exciting content and design your online presence around it.

Continue to use and recycle the content in a variety of creative ways. Thought leadership needs content, but it should be value-based. You need a strategy that focuses only on your goal. Start by creating your content with a purpose. Connect all parts of your content so that they convey a sense of harmony.

Avoid the tendency to advertise

It is easy to interpret thought leadership as a mode of branding. But you have to resist this temptation as it would only turn your audience off from you. As a thought leader, you have other responsibilities. One has to understand trends and problems that are raging at this moment.

You have to show your audience that you have the know-how in your industry. Audiences don't like generic content that lacks originality and doesn't address their issues. Give them solutions and they will want to read more of your shared content.

Use different platforms to share content

Don't think that your blog is the only place you should post content. This is because people access information from multiple platforms. If they miss your blog, posting the content on social media will get their attention. Expand your offering and add YouTube, podcast, and social media handles to attract more customers.

A habit that most successful thought leaders develop is to be in many places. Their content is disseminated in a number of ways, besides sharing their ideas at events. All in all, it is about increasing the visibility of your content and arousing the interest of customers.

Consistency is crucial

You cannot expect any return if your strategy is unpredictable. Maintain an editorial calendar in which you can plan, plan and publish your content accordingly. You can also customize your content to meet the needs of the platform on which you want to share it.

For example, on Instagram, you need to add more visual aspects to the content. On the other hand, the content posted on LinkedIn could use infographics to get more traction.

Be Sincere in Your Approach

It is very easy for customers to understand the difference between real and fake posts. Always know that the customer wants to blindly trust you. If you give false information, he may never come back.

In addition, being genuine humanizes your brand. The audience turns to someone they can easily identify with. You can show your brand as someone who cares about and cares about the customers. When you make that kind of impression, consumers want to confide in you. They believe that you have the answers to their questions and that you can turn to you.

How do you become a thought leader?

After we have a quick understanding of thought leadership, we will move on. Next, we're going to talk about how to become a thought leader. Not everyone has mastered this art perfectly. Here are some tips that will come in handy when trying to become a thought leader.

There are two ways to start your blogging journey. You can either create your own blog and post content there. Or, you could post guest posts on other people's websites. If you are good at achieving balance, you can do both.

The key here is to represent your presence as a person who is well versed in all facets of the industry. Your articles should indicate your complete mastery of the subject at hand. If you can describe the problem in a different light and context than others, you are sure to catch the eye.

To gain credibility in your niche, you need to create a content database. Update the content regularly and share it on different platforms. Ultimately, your blog or posts should have a solid following of their own.

Another way to strengthen your position as a thought leader is to publish content. Content that is published gives you long-term visibility and increases traffic to the website. Do not limit yourself to the mode in which you publish your content.

Books, eBooks, guides, fact sheets and articles for respected publications increase your reputation. Share ideas, give practical advice, and answer questions your audience may have. Your ultimate goal should be to offer readers something of value.

Don't limit yourself to the number of articles you have published. You can write as often as you want. Choose websites with high authority and well-known publications to increase your profile. Posting the content on platforms such as Quora, Medium and LinkedIn also serves its purpose.

These days influencer marketing is on the rise. The influencers already have a strong following who believe what they share. You can view them as a potential source to increase your reach and visibility.

Find influencers in the same niche as you. You can follow them on social media and give your opinion on their posts. According to your opinion, you have to write meaningful advice and suggestions that also show your expertise.

This type of engagement will strengthen your bond with the influencer and their followers. Another way to build a relationship is to offer your help. Showing them your help or sharing articles to post on their blog could be a great initiative.

Achievement for the awards and accolades

A person with a solid professional and educational background is given credibility as they are. The other awards, accolades, and honors you collect will help you build your image. Of course, your audience needs to know about your successes. Your blog and LinkedIn page are the perfect places to showcase your skills.

The more impressive platform you create, the better the chances of media connections. However, remember not to flaunt your accomplishments more than necessary. Avoid using your contributions as a vehicle for this. You can also create a short bio to post with each blog.

Use content marketing appropriately

As the name suggests, content marketing is a tool to inform and educate your audience. Prepare a content marketing strategy that will give you instant results. Start with a design and adapt it to the image and goals of your brand.

Always remember that your goal is not to deliver SEO based content to readers. You just want to showcase your authoritative approach in the niche. Your content should of course convey that too. Optimize the blogs with the keywords your audience is looking for.

You need to do thorough keyword research to select the most effective ones. Remember, other competitors are also pursuing the same strategy and you have to show exclusivity.

Interacting with the audience

Most of your audience is present on social media. Try to bond by initiating conversations. Share your content to get the appropriate answer. Try later to gauge what your readers feel after reading the same thing.

Videos are instant ways to get attention. Many viewers enjoy watching short videos that inform and inspire them. Sharing these from time to time will get the attention you want. For maximum engagement on social media, share valuable and insightful posts that they will pass on.

Networking within the branch

You can also address your branch contacts and increase the chances of networking. Attend events, conferences, seminars and personal events. Here you can update your knowledge and expand your audience.

Find out more about the other thought leaders in your field. Learn new tactics from them and, if possible, seek guidance from a mentor. Such events also have sufficient media presence. This is your easy chance to give them your credentials. It is such inhibited interactions that later turn into fruitful associations.

Find out how to speak

Being able to express your thoughts is the most effective step in your journey. Speaking at events and conferences will increase the attention you get. In the early stages, you could start giving speeches in colleges. Inaugural speeches and thematic briefings could then follow.

It doesn't matter who you speak to. Your goal should be to add value to the audience. Your presentation must have strength and substance. It is also intended to provide the audience with insights and facts.

The speech you are presenting here may prove helpful in other ways. Use the same content and convert it into a blog post or infographic. Later, post the same thing on your blog or on social networks. This will give you the double attention that you received in the first speech.

Popular thought leaders

In the end, here are some thought leaders who have made a name for themselves. These people discovered their niche and immediately moved on.

Neil Patel

When you talk about internet marketing, Neil Patel is a famous voice who leads the rest. He is the co-founder of 3 digital companies and a bestselling published author for the New York Times. Although he has other interests, his newsletter is informative about his niche.

Neil Helps Businesses Understand the Scope of Marketing. He guides them on how to use digital marketing to get more sales. Neil started in this field at the age of 16. Since then, he hasn't looked back and built businesses from the ground up. So much so that his achievements are also recognized by the White House.

Patel's content is easily accessible through his website. Millions visit his blog to read and connect with his content. His followers are just not numbers. You are loyal to him and that makes him a great leader.

Sally Hogshead

Sally is a powerhouse for presentation and speaking skills. Their research with nearly a million participants led to the creation of "The Fascination Advantage". Instead of talking about how you see the world, Sally teaches how the world will see you.

Sally is a published author again. Her book FASCINATE: How to Make Your Brand Impossible to Resist and HOW THE WORLD SEES YOU is a New York Times bestseller. She is also one of the 172 members of the Speaker Hall of Fame. As a speaker, Sally has found her calling and is now an impressive figure.

Daniel Pink

Daniel is a thought leader in niche work, life and human behavior. He has written almost six books on the subject. The latest, When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing, stayed on the New York Times bestseller list for four months.

Daniel's expertise includes behavioral sciences, scientific secrets and social sciences. The strategies that he uses for this are diverse. This offers life hacks, easy-to-understand videos, and instructional podcasts. Daniel Pink is the resource to review if you want to examine the behavior in detail.

Verne Harnish

People know Verne Harnish as a "growth man". For the past three decades, he has helped companies scale their businesses. He has published several books under his name. One of them, "Mastering the Rockefeller Habits", has been translated into nine languages.

Verne also founded the business organization; a peer-to-peer network for entrepreneurs. The organization has nearly 13,000+ members in over 57 countries. Verne offers corporate planning guides, coaching and executive education courses.

Susan Cain

Susan Cain already has two bestsellers. She teaches the power of words and how introverts should use them to take a break. Her content is so popular that Bill Gates calls her Ted Talks the best he's heard.

As a person, Susan values ​​being relatively calm. Yet she has given hundreds of lectures so far. Although she never aspired to be, Susan eventually gave the introverts a voice. The reactions she received to her first book "Quiet" show her credibility. Susan uses science and words to change the way the world sees introverts.


Understanding the whole concept behind thought leadership can be difficult. However, once you understand the basics, the path to growth becomes easy to follow. Being a thought leader takes persistence to achieve the goal. Hopefully we have dispelled many doubts about thought leadership and how it works.

The implementation of the needs of your customers is also decisive. Balance them all if you want to explore the potential of becoming a thought leader. Stay in touch with industry trends as your knowledge will convince audiences to trust you. The more you network, the better your chances are of passing this leadership game.


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Source References: TechPluto