24 Comments on “Tools for Entrepreneurs: Raising Your First Million”

  1. Oh god +Google for Entrepreneurs I am trying, I really am, but “scrounge
    together $50,000” before you start! #facepalm – why didn’t I think of

  2. Raising money for your first startup can be tricky. But this tutorial is
    like receiving a four year degree in startup finance in minutes! Great
    stuff for any entrepreneur!

  3. TOOLS for ENTREPRENEURS – Check out this Youtube link. Good Stuff.
    Raising your First Million.

    #crowdfunding #entrepreneur #socialmedia #marketing #equityinvestors 

  4. The information is verry usefull, thankyou. What do you think about the
    website digitourist,com?

  5. I love how he started out with a real smile, then it just kinda faded
    away… (not really like it)

  6. Raising money for your first startup can be tricky. But this tutorial is
    like receiving a four year degree in startup finance in minutes! Great
    stuff for any entrepreneur!

  7. Raising money for your first startup can be tricky. But this tutorial is
    like receiving a four year degree in startup finance in minutes! Great
    stuff for any entrepreneur!

  8. Raising money for your first startup can be tricky. But this tutorial is
    like receiving a four year degree in startup finance in minutes! Great
    stuff for any entrepreneur!

  9. Raising money for your first startup can be tricky. But this tutorial is
    like receiving a four year degree in startup finance in minutes! Great
    stuff for any entrepreneur!

  10. Come raccogliere “fondi” per la propria start app… Utile

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