37 Comments on “Venture Capital: How Chinese Yuan has overtaken Euro (E19)”

  1. The Chinese Yuan has overtaken the Euro in use in global trade (if I
    understand this report from +RT 

  2. More and more countries merging with each other or trying something new
    something bold. Let’s see how final product will look like 5 years from

  3. The u.s is next. Don’t think we will be the reserve currency much

  4. Maybe classifying them as being a part of some super group jacks up their
    expectations and throws them off? “Oh we’re in BRICS? Well if we don’t
    put the pedal to the metal now…”

  5. Well the Chinese yuan is kept artificially low since China is an export
    driven economy, and is not allowed to be traded openly on the world market
    for that very reason. If the Euro did collapse there would be absolutely no
    other currency that could even possibly replace the US dollar as the world
    reserve currency.

  6. Why is there an Exxon Mobil logo just chillin on the side of this screen?
    No motive or theme to it’s promotion there just flaigrently posted….? I
    hate the corporate snakes of ameriKKKa!

  7. Russia’s short term strategy of promoting China as the balance to the West
    strikes me as insane when looked at in the long term.

    No other nation humiliated China more, nor has been more responsible for
    Chinese suffering than Russia.

    People think Japan is the worst, but what they did is only the freshest
    memory, and it all was made possible by Imperial Russia’s Asian expansion
    at the expense of China. The efforts of fighting that left China so weak,
    she became easy pickings for the upcoming Japan during those days.

    Russia’s expansion in Asia was at the territorial expense of China often
    using the most humiliating methods. If it hadn’t been for the
    Russo-Japanese war, Russia was set to annex all the way down to Liaodong
    Peninsula just East of Beijing.

    To top it all off Communism in China happened thanks to the efforts of the
    USSR, and that that was a huge mistake for China is all but accepted as its
    abandoned almost all the aspects of that system.

    So should China ever get to a point where it is the other end of a bipolar
    power world, that China will continue to pretend to not remember the
    century of loss and humiliation courtesy of Russia they’re dreaming.

    As it is only the Russian Nuke arsenal that keeps China pretending to
    sincerely believe in the treaties delineating their borders.

    When the day comes that China does not have to pretend, you can bet that US
    will use their desires to regain what they lost to Russia to fend off
    Chinese demands by promising them total support in redressing historical
    issues between China and Russia today. Say for example supporting a future
    Chinese Demand for the return of Vladivostok and chunks of Siberia that
    were Chinese before they were ejected by Russians in return for permanently
    settling issues with us.

    We’ve already have had 1 crystal clear example of what the Chinese will
    demand when they are in a position to dictate in Kyrgyzstan who facing
    Chinese pressure eagerly ceded 3200 square miles to settle a border issue
    while getting nothing in Return.

  8. because btcchina and china are corruppt deflating bitcoin and baning it to
    later double the money, just go to war with china or start a revolution to
    save their people, china is divided.

  9. We knew the Euro was fucked – when the bankers decide to rob European
    nations of its wealth there was no other end result.

  10. ‘Does Euro want to be more forceful with their currency…Or not’

    Why do THEY even get a choice, They’ve been Americas partner in crime for
    DECADES. No wonder America wants to alter international trade regulations
    with Euro. It’s all so they can RETAIN GLOBAL FINANCIAL POWER via EU
    currency, after having Exhausted/Toppled US reserves

  11. China will rule the world , they already started to invest millions in the
    Europe in countries such as Romania.
    Wars are old fashioned , economical invasion is the key to divide and
    This may be the beginning of a world economy collapse and mass revolts in
    50 years.

  12. What is backing the Yuan? We know what is backing the Euro and
    Petro-dollar, The military industrial complex. When the global economy
    crashes there will be a one world currency, one world government, one world
    religion. The NWO is coming, prepare now while you can. Blood will run in
    all the streets of most countries. Divided we stand, by design. Know your
    neighbors, build relations. The hour is late. Peace

  13. Stay away from bitcoinz within next few months to come….the reason the
    btc prices are so high at the moment is due to half of the bitcoins in
    circulation are being withheld after 40million btc heist. 

  14. +usapilot78 (There’s no reply button for some reason) Why does Jesus hate
    animals? :O

  15. There are so many people wanted to use Euro for trade.
    It is the EU that creates Euro, does not want to use around the world.
    EU looks more like a slave to US.
    Just look at the NSA issue, EU makes only useless noise.
    EU will dare not challenge US. 

  16. Here is the deal on Ukraine. They are not looking at the broken West and
    asking why can’t we be like that. They are like that already-broke. What
    people are demonstrating against is a the criminal Donetsk mafia that took
    control of the government. Some bird brought the news in its beak, this
    mafia is organized and supported by MI6 to destabilize the country and to
    take Ukrainian resources under control, which is what they did. That’s why
    the coffers are empty because the profits from coal mining go offshore. In
    addition the country is poisoned by multiple drugs, especially the youth

  17. So proud to be Chinese for this and similar reasons of Chinese and China’s
    accomplishments !

  18. in 2 years, all countrys only trade in gold, silver, iron, Food, gasoline
    and so on. paper har newer been wort somthing. if you trade gods for godt,
    you wil newer expirience collapse in trade. People only need goods, not
    paper Money og numbers on computers..

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