Venture Capital: Murder Incorporated (E51)

This week a court in The Hague orders Russia to pay $50 billion to shareholders of the defunct oil company Yukos. Katie Pilbeam finds out why a man wanted for murder may end up with most of that money.


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23 Comments on “Venture Capital: Murder Incorporated (E51)”

  1. i live in this land full of murderous,fucking yankee dogs! i'm right here! these yankee scum denied me the opportunity to fight their greatest hero's in the public ring! all of you fucking war-mongering religious-fanatic scum can kiss my 'red' behind! bring on all your phony 'GODS",saints and apostles,bring on all your 'goliaths',davids,or whatever! HERE I AM! die yankee dogs! long live the worlds' greatest political party,the true peoples party,the communist party!

  2. when i was a kid i always thought that the largest country in the world had the most money, the biggest and best army, the largest economy, the best people, the highest development, and the best government……….boy was i wrong.

  3. this whole time i have been watching this show, i thought she was in the London studio. lol

  4. Meyer Lansky's infamous "Murder Inc." latter merged with Mossad after Israel became the worlds first country owned by international organized crime.  

    Lansky ran the hostile take-over of Hollywood in the 1039's and started all the big Jew dominated "charities" that people still give money to.   Thinking those billions are going to a good cause.  

    The same international gangsters ran the Soviet Union and Holodomor wherein some 20 million Caucasians were slaughtered during the "Red October" bloodbath. 

    The total number of Holodomor victims is difficult to assemble but 50 to 60 million is a modest estimate.  

    When RT begins telling the REAL history of Russia as well as the rest of the worlds history………..we can know their gangster Jews are finally disenfranchised.  

  5. Brian, this is a remark of a person affected by BPD. Were you damaged fighting wars in a faraway lands?

  6. Glory to Mother Russia! THey are the only once who got morals these days and keep the world from starting WW3!

  7. when a company incorporates it gains a protection that may confound justice.  no people from any single nation ever specifically revolted for such complications in their self-governing.  i say… get the Inc. out.  return to the company.

  8. Until Russia wipes out the Zionist state with a couple of nukes, those zio-nazis will continue to fuck with the rest of the world for money.  Wipe them out, all our troubles are over!  

  9. I knew Putin was making a tragic mistake when the zionist oligarchs were allowed to flee to Israel.  They should have been executed, by firing squads.

  10. Wendy's will come off with egg on their face if Russia and BRICS succeed in throwing off the Jewish crime-ring's yoke.

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